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How to Get Pregnant with PCOS

A Complete Guide


What Is PCOS?

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is the most common hormonal imbalance condition affecting women in their reproductive years. More than 5 million women, suffer from PCOS which can cause a range of symptoms such as; irregular periods or menstruation, skin or hair changes and for some, difficulty in getting pregnant. It is not a disease of the ovaries. If the hormone levels associated with PCOS can be reduced or controlled, the ovaries can often function normally.

Prevalence Of PCOS
Statistics In India 2019

  • Around 1/7 women suffer from PCOS
  • Between 70 to 80 percent of women with PCOS report having periods less than monthly (less than eight periods per year).
  • People with PCOS are more prone to miscarriages.
  • When you have PCOS, your ovaries are larger than normal
  • Vitamin D supplements can help increase the chance of ovulation

How To Get Pregnant With PCOS & Irregular Periods?

Can you get pregnant with PCOS? Yes, certainly. 3/10 women with PCOS experience some difficulties in getting pregnant. It may take longer, but with appropriate changes in diet, lifestyle, exercising regularly and medical treatments, conception is not difficult if PCOS is detected & treated early. Women suffering from PCOS & irregular periods find it harder to time sex to fertile days of their menstrual period. But, surprisingly, women with PCOS have a similar number of children as women without PCOS.

So How Does Polycystic Ovaries Affect Fertility?
Myth: “Poly” means “many”. Polycystic Ovaries Syndrome means many cysts in the ovaries.
Fact: Many people are of the opinion that Polycystic refers to multiple cysts in the ovaries. But that’s not necessarily true. It actually refers to the imbalance in the hormonal levels. An ultrasound suggests that dark areas on the ovaries are follicles occurring due to under-developed eggs which affect fertility as they don’t mature every month.

What Causes Imbalance In The Ovaries?

There are two main hormones associated with PCOS –

  • Insulin
  • Androgens

An imbalance of these in the ovaries causes the eggs struggle to function normally.


The exact cause of PCOS varies from person to person & despite of advancement in technology & treatment options like IUI & IVF, doctors are unable to ascertain the exact cause. However, some main causes are known to us.

Genes & hormones are carried down generations. An elevated hormonal level before birth in the womb, at birth or early childhood development plays a major role. Scientists say that Women with PCOS are 55% more likely to have a mother / sister or an aunt suffering from PCOS in relation to those without PCOS. Women from Asia, Africa & Aboriginals are more prone to PCOS than women from other ethnic backgrounds.

Unhealthy eating habits, poor nutrition and consumption of junk food, erratic schedule (eg. Night shift jobs for women), sedentary lifestyle, lack of exercise or low physical activity causes increased risk of PCOS. Increased weight (Body Mass Index (BMI)

PCOS Symptoms & Pregnancy

There are various symptoms of PCOS with irregular periods which differ between individuals & vary at different stages of life. They affect three main areas: reproductive, metabolic and psychological health.

  • Irregular periods or menstrual cycles (duration of the cycle or frequency of occurrence. The average menstrual cycle lasts about 28 days, although it’s normal for it to be a bit shorter or longer than this.
  • Difficulty in getting pregnant
  • Excess weight gain despite the consumption of same calories everyday
  • Increased BMI – Body Mass Index > 30
  • Very heavy or light bleeding
  • Excessive hair on face, stomach, back
  • Oily skin or severe acne or pimples that may not wear away with adolescence
  • Health complications during pregnancy such as gestational diabetes
  • Reduced periods cycles: 0-8 periods per year
  • Loss of hair in the frontal portion or the top of the head. Thinning of hair.
  • Emotional challenges (depression or anxiety)
  • Increased risk of diabetes
  • Sexual health challenges
  • Low self-esteem & poor body image

Tests For Diagnosis Of PCOS

Diagnosis of can be done either by a blood test or an ultrasound.

  • blood test will measure the level androgens (called testosterone in men) and other hormones.
  • An Ultrasound is performed if there is no hormonal imbalance of Androgens. If there are 20 or more dark fluid filled sacs on the right or left ovary, indicating partly matured eggs, you are suffering from PCOS.

Is It Difficult To Diagnose PCOS?

Not really. But if you are taking contraceptive pills, you should stop taking the pill for three months beforehand. In early teens, your 1st or 2nd year may have irregular periods until your body normalizes to the hormonal changes in your body. But it’s common for PCOS to occur at young age.

Do I Have PCOS? How Will I Know? When To Test For PCOS?

If your condition is mild, you may realize only if you are unable to conceive and your weight fluctuates.


  • Many of these have a pill-free 7 days every month followed by a withdrawal bleed, which is often mistaken for a period. It is a false period as it is unrelated to egg production or shedding of the endometrium lining. The pills can improve acne and lessen excess hair growth.
  • A trans-vaginal scan (in which a wand is put inside your vagina) showing polycystic ovaries.
  • An increase in facial or body hair or test results showing you have excess levels of testosterone (male hormone).

How To Detect Pregnancy with PCOS

There are 3 easy ways to detect pregnancy with PCOS. Pregnancy with PCOS may be difficult to detect accurately due to irregularity in periods.

It is recommended to wait for 7-10 days after a missed period to take a home pregnancy test. Levels of hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) can also be measured by a blood test in a laboratory. If you get a negative result, you can recheck after a week or so until the hCG levels rise.

Some of common signs of pregnancy with PCOS include

  • Missed periods
  • Sore and tender breasts / engorgement
  • Abdominal bloating
  • Nausea and extreme fatigue
  • Mood swings & food aversions
  • Elevated body temperature
  • Back pain & frequent head ache

Keep track of your menstrual periods and note the dates. If you have been able to regularize them, a missed period for 7-10 days can possibly mean you are pregnant if intercourse occurred on the suggested dates.

How Long Does It Take To Become Pregnant With PCOS

For most women it takes about 3 months to get pregnant. However, if you have Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome and you want to get pregnant quickly, you may take 6months or more depending on –

  • Your age and weight
  • Stage of PCOS (Severity)
  • Health complications if any
  • Mode of medication – oral administration, IUI or IVF
  • Regularity of periods
  • Lifestyle and diet

It takes at least 3 months for an egg or ova to mature and be released from your ovaries. So, altering your diet before trying to conceive will be really helpful when you are trying to conceive.

Infertility & Chances Of Pregnancy With PCOS

Since over 30% of women with PCOS experience some difficulties in getting pregnant, it’s highly recommended you start planning a family early as the chances of pregnancy with PCOS declines after 35. Elevates levels of male hormones prevent the release of egg(ovulation).

PCOS Complications During Pregnancy

  • An increased risk of developing gestational diabetes due to insulin resistance – Prediabetes or Type 2 Diabetes.
  • Miscarriage during pregnancy
  • Likelihood of caesarian delivery – Pregnancy with PCOS may lead to high blood pressure which will hinder a natural birth. At this point, your doctor will insist on a C-Section.
  • Premature or preterm birth – A baby is considered to be preterm when the mother gives birth within 37 weeks of pregnancy. This is one of the biggest complications of pregnancy with PCOS.
  • Higher chances of newborn fatality or admission into NICU – Newborn Intensive Care Unit
  • Preeclampsia – Preeclampsia is the condition of high blood pressure, especially after the 20th week of pregnancy.
  • Larger than normal babies
  • Cardio-vascular disease (it can be caused due to high blood fats or bad cholesterol, low density lipoprotein cholesterol, high levels of inflammatory proteins, which can alter the function of blood vessels and increase insulin resistance).
  • Metabolic syndrome (generally having at least two of the following – impaired glucose intolerance, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, obesity, high fasting blood glucose)
  • Endometrial Cancer – Irregular periods, chronic anovulation (lack of eggs being produced) causes the endometrium to thicken as these is no shedding of the endometrial lining which can develop into cancerous or malignant cells.
  • Sleep apnea

Chances Of Pregnancy After Miscarriage With PCOS

Women with PCOS experience fertility Issues including Miscarriage. The miscarriage rate for women with PCOS can be as high as 30-50%. They have a 2-fold increase of miscarriage relative to those without PCOS. If you are undergoing assisted reproductive therapies such IVF or IUI, you 50% more likely to have a miscarriage.

If you have had recurrent miscarriages in the past the likelihood of miscarriage is a whooping 40-80%. So, it is better that you start planning early so you have enough time and age by your side.

Getting Pregnant With PCOS Based On Age

All women have 2 coin sized ovaries lying on the either side of the uterus. These ovaries store eggs (ova) and produce various hormones such as oestrogen and progesterone. These hormones help in developing breasts & normalize the menstrual cycle. Additionally, they also produce small amounts of male hormones (androgens) such as testosterone.

Ovulation normally occurs once a month when an egg (ovum) travels through the fallopian tube into the uterus to fertilize with the sperm if sexual intercourse has occurred in that period. Before an egg is released at ovulation, it develops within a little swelling of the ovary, called a follicle (a fluid filled sac). Every month several follicles start to develop but normally just one fully develops and releases its egg from the ovary into the fallopian tube. An egg may be released or no eggs in that cycle may be released (anovulation). Contraceptive pills are still recommended for women with PCOS who don’t want to be pregnant.

For women suffering from PCOS in their twenties, there is still light at the end of the tunnel. In fact, the sooner you start trying to conceive, the better. By beginning in your twenties, you are giving yourself a higher chance of getting pregnant as opposed to waiting until you turn 30. Women in their 20 have a very small chance of being infertile – a mere 6%, whereas this number increases to 64% for a 40 year old woman. If you are a young 20-something year old, struggling to conceive, health experts recommend trying naturally at first before approaching doctors for more medically advanced techniques.

Can I still get pregnant if I have PCOS? Yes, you definitely can. It may take longer than usual, but early detection and cure can help you sail through smoothly. Does PCOS make you a high risk pregnancy? Women who are in the clutch of PCOS or PCOD, in their 30’s may have a higher risk age related birth defects such as chromosomal abnormalities. Body fat redistribution along with slight height loss explains why women with PCOS had larger waist circumference measurements and increased BMI values as they got older. How To Get Pregnant With PCOS After 30? What are the chances of pregnancy with PCOS after 30? It is difficult to give statistics as each case varies. However, women over 30-35 have a higher risk of delayed pregnancy. Planning early especially if you have detected PCOS gives you more room for early treatment.

Over 30% of women between 40-45years experience infertility. Your chances of conceiving in any given month are also lower once you pass the big 40. A 40 year old woman only has a 5% chance of getting pregnant naturally every month. Getting pregnant after 40 has more risks in general related to birth defects like Spina Bifida or Down’s Syndrome.

Ovarian Cyst Symptoms & Signs

Ovarian cysts are fluid-filled sacs in the ovary. If they are few or small you may not see any visible symptoms. Some of the common ovarian cyst symptoms include lower abdominal pressure, bloating, swelling or sharp/dull pain.

You will experience sudden, severe, acute pain alongside nausea and vomiting.

Other symptoms of ovarian cysts in extreme cases may include:

  • Pelvic pain and lower back ache
  • Bloating
  • Frequent urination. Incomplete bladder or bowel excretion
  • Pain during sexual intercourse or menstruation
  • Abnormal vaginal bleeding
  • Breast tenderness

Ovarian Cancer Symptoms

Ovarian cancer often is undetected until it has spread to the pelvis and / or abdomen, making it even more difficult to treat.

Ovarian Cancer treatment includes surgery and chemotherapy.

  • Lower abdominal bloating, pain, discomfort or swelling
  • Feeling of fullness while eating & upset stomach
  • Unexplained weight loss
  • Frequent urination, constipation and bowel changes
  • Extreme tiredness,
  • Back pain
  • Pain during intercourse
  • Changes in menstruation – frequency, flow of bleeding and occurrence.

Endometriosis Cyst & Treatment

This is a painful disorder that causes uterine endometrial cells to grow outside your uterus instead of inside in the endometrium (the inner lining of the womb). Some tissues can attach to your ovary and form a growth outside the uterus affecting the ovaries, fallopian tubes, lymph nodes & the peritonium. Around 7-10% of women are affected by this condition.

You are prone to endometriosis if you have any allergies or chemical sensitiveness, breast cancer, ovarian cancer, auto immune disease (or genetic) or asthma.

  • Severe menstrual cramps, heavy bleeding lasting over 7 days
  • Lower back and pelvic pain
  • Bowel and urinary problems including constipation, diarrhea, pain while excretion, bloody stools and bloating
  • Fatigue, nausea and vomiting
  • Pain during intercourse
  • Spotting or bleeding between periods
  • Endometriosis Pain Treatment – Over-the-counter (OTC) non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as ibuprofen (Advil or Motrin IB) or drugs as prescribed by your doctor for painful menses.
  • Endometriosis Hormones Treatment – Birth control pills, Gonadotropin-releasing hormone (Gn-RH) agonists & antagonists, Medroxyprogesterone (Depo-Provera) or Danazol. Placement of an intrauterine device (IUD) may also be recommended.
  • Endometriosis Surgery Treatment – A small surgery is performed to remove the areas of endometriosis. A hysterectomy with removal of both ovaries may be necessary in some cases.
  • Endometriosis Fertility Treatment – You may be recommended pregnancy via in-vitro fertilization (IVF).

Insulin & Obesity

Insulin controls the blood sugar (glucose) levels in the body. Cells need glucose to produce energy for various activities or store it for future needs.  If you have PCOS, you are likely to have insulin resistance, leading to higher levels of sugar in the body thereby increasing the tendency to put on weight easily. This is more likely to be concentrated around the abdominal (stomach) region. The excess insulin in the body also disrupts the hormones produced by the ovaries and pituitary gland, interfering with ovulation.

Obese women often have fertility issues. Many women with PCOS have a tendency to put on weight since the condition affects how your body processes insulin. Obesity also influences irregular periods, missed periods or anovulation (no production of eggs or ovum).

Getting Pregnant With PCOS Naturally

PCOS Diet is a proven way to lose weight with no side effects. There are 13 Principles between PCOS Diet & Weight Loss. PCOS diet plan for Indians may not have some of the foods included below such as Kimchi, Currants, Zucchini and more. However, many of these are now easily available but should be incorporated in our diet if possible.

Foods with high glycemic levels or can spike up your insulin. Avoid them as much as you can as they can add to your weight gain and potentially lead to Type II diabetes. To get you started, avoid foods like white potatoes, rice, flour, sugary and processed foods, watermelon, cornflakes, etc. Opt instead for soy milk, oatmeal, legumes, apple juice, pineapple juice, carrot juice, low-fat yoghurt, whole grain cereals and multigrain bread.

Anti-inflammatory foods also help bringing down your insulin levels. Try to include spinach, green tea, olives, dark chocolate, beans and lentils, coconut, turmeric, cinnamon and extra virgin olive oil. You may be intolerant to some other foods that you may not be aware of. Some common foods are tree nuts, fish, eggs, etc.

Several dairy products can lead to inflammation and cause a spike insulin production. Since cutting out dairy from your diet is not entirely possible, opt instead for some non-dairy or vegan alternatives including oat milk, soy milk, almond milk, coconut milk or rice milk. Butter and ghee are better alternatives, but in limited quantities only if you are lactose intolerant. Check for glucose intolerance. Non-celiac gluten sensitivity can be avoided by swapping your favourite pasta (maida or refined wheat flour) with Zucchini noodles and wheat. Including flaxseed, almonds, lettuce is a good idea.

Body fat accumulates because of poor insulin regulation and NOT because of excess energy in your diet. So restriction on food & dieting is a fool’s errand. 1 of 3 women will tend to put on more weight than normal once they are out of FAD diets. Heavy breakfast and light dinners are an ideal way to control your blood sugar level. Indulge in nutrient-rich high protein & GLV (green leafy vegetable) foods. Detox your diet. This has a major impact on getting pregnant naturally with PCOS.

While it’s becoming popular, it is not recommended if you have PCOS. Ketogenic Diet consists of very low carbohydrates – i.e < 20gms per day. When there’s not enough glucose in your body to keep you functioning normally, your metabolism switches to consuming fats instead. This metabolic state mimics starvation and is known as ketosis. You can lose weight even without Keto diet. Consuming animal protein like fish & meat contains all the 9 essential amino acids.

Women who consume processed foods are 3 times more prone to PCOS. Vegetable oils & sugar should be avoided as they are pro-inflammatory. They contain carcinogenic compounds like chemical food coloring, potassium bromate, butylated hydroxytoluene (E321) and butylated hydroxyanisole. Nutrient-dense Whole Foods include Salmon, Kale, Garlic, Seaweed, Potato, Fish Cod Liver Oil, Blueberries, Egg Yolk, Dark Chocolate and more.

Who is not addicted to sugar? We all love our Tiramisu, Gulab Jamun and Chocolate Icecream. Isn’t it? Sugar is more addictive than cocaine. It causes your body to store fat rather than burn it. It promotes unwanted facial hair, acne and male-pattern baldness. You will feel emotionally depressed with all these even if you weren’t suffering from PCOS. If you can’t refrain from desserts and sugar, include healthy fats in your daily diet like fish oil, olive oil, avocados and dried nuts to curb the sudden spike of glucose levels.

While all vegetables are good, non-starchy vegetables contain phytonutrients only available in plants. Include foods like carrots, tomatoes, capsicum, spinach, broccoli, garlic, ginger, kale, onion, leek, beetroot, peas, cabbage, sweet corn and brussel sprouts. You will definitely cleanse your system, detox and feel a lot more energytic.

Fruits are high on fructose sugar. Fructose powerfully ruins your insulin sensitivity and increases inflammation resulting in weight gain, infertility, gut issues, anxiety and depression. Still craving for some sugar? So, which fruits are better to consume? Avoid all sugary and canned juices. Include more currants, berries and melons. Avoid apples, grapes, and bananas.

Not more than 30% of you energy should be derived from Carbs. This reduces the amount of insulin our bodies need to produce. Include starchy vegetables like sweet potato, yam, beans and lentils, grains like quinoa, buckwheat, or red, black or wild rice.

Diagnosis of PCOS is difficult if you are high on coffee & alcohol. Caffeine increases production of stress hormones which elevates insulin levels & decreases insulin sensitivity. Coffee causes anxiety, acidity, discomfort, indigestion, heart burn and disrupts sleep.

Breaking free from the ingrained idea that any fat makes us very fat is a major cognitive obstacle for women wanting to switch to a PCOS diet. Include avocados, coconut oil, nuts, seeds, olives and more. Remember fat is soluble only in fat. Not in water. So don’t starve your body of fat.

Vegetable oils are pro-inflammatory as they are high in omega-6 fatty acids. Avoid seed oils coming from soybeans, sunflower, corn, canola and safflower. Switch to coconut oil, ghee, butter, olive oil, avocado oil instead.

Sugar is evil for those with gut issues. Probiotic foods contain live strains of healthy gut bacteria and prebiotic foods contain soluble fiber that enables these microorganisms to thrive better. Coconut, yoghurt, kimchi, pickles, buttermilk work wonderfully on improving your gut health.

Exercise & PCOS Weight Loss

Exercise is the cheapest, fastest and the easiest way to getting pregnant with PCOS quickly. Around 10% weight loss without short-term fad diets increases fertility – restarts ovulation and regularizes menstrual cycle by 50%.

It lowers testosterone and free androgen levels in the woman’s body.

When we workout everyday, we are actually increasing the density of mitochondria, the cellular organs that power our muscles. More mitochondria in our muscle cells means more sensitivity to insulin, and the more sensitive they are to insulin, the better our hormone balance.

Exercising has an anti-inflammatory effect on the tissues of the body.

You can curb many signs and symptoms of PCOS with a good workout. Here are a few options to get you started:

Best Way to Exercise For PCOS Weight Loss

Ideally you should work out for 30 minutes every day. Fitness specialists recommend to get your heart rate up and maintained at 60% to 75% your maximum rate.

  • 160 minutes of moderate aerobic activity
  • 80 minutes of vigorous aerobic activity
  • 2 days of resistance training every week for weight management and not necessary weight loss

PCOS Exercise Plan

One of the most under-rated activities is brisk walking. Alternate between moderate and fast pace/jogging every 5-7 minutes to strengthen your muscles and listen to your favourite music while you enjoy the fresh breeze in the park. Try walking uphill or on elevated surface this will require more energy, but, will build better stamina. These are great to counter your PCOS as they help in reducing insulin resistance, stabilise your mood and help boost fertility.

Lifting weights 2-3 times a week expedites muscle and strength training for PCOS. Remember Mitochondria is the “Power House Of The Cell”? You will feel energetic throughout the day. Your personal trainer will recommend a change in routine time to time. Bodyweight exercises like pushups, squats, tricep dips etc, not only help build muscle mass, but also boost metabolism and help you achieve a healthy BMI.

Vigourous workouts help burn calories much faster. Dance & Zumba are our favourites. It’s fun, it’s not monotonous and works on the entire body. And there is peppy music. Do we need more?

With high intensity interval training, you will be able to lose about 5-10% of your body weight. Studies have shown that HIIT drastically reduce PCOS symptoms, by reducing excess testosterone and improving insulin resistance.

Learn a new sport like Tennis, Badminton or Squash. Develop new skills and shed that extra fat.

From “Flab to Fab” in 3 months is guaranteed if you abide by our PCOS Exercise & Diet Plan.

How To Deal with PCOS Naturally

Keep obesity at bay. The recommended waist circumference is less than 80cm for adult women.

Waist circumference Health complications
80-88cm Increased risk of obesity, cardiovascular disease and development of type 2 diabetes.
More than 88cm Substantially increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease

Lifestyle Changes To Avoid PCOS Naturally

PCOS does affect several women, but it isn’t a debilitating disease. With a few key lifestyle changes, you can easily curb the effects PCOS may be inflicting on your life. Here are a few important things to keep in mind.

Many people turn to binge eating when stressed and this could adversely impact your body, particularly when you are trying to conceive. Try to find a healthy outlet for your stress – either through yoga, regular exercise, meditation, baking, etc.

They mistakenly ignore the psychological impact of infertility on the reproductive function. Women with PCOS have elevated levels of cortisol hormone under stress. Cortisol causes fat to accumulate on our stomachs and thighs, increases insulin resistance, and markedly increases our probability of suffering from cardio vascular & heart diseases.

Women with higher stress levels have >50% more chance of Infertility than those who are more relaxed. Relaxation exercises are fantastic for acute stress and insomnia and certain essential oils can be of great help too.

Your endocrine system consists of glands that send out hormones to the rest of your body. These hormones then bind themselves to target receptors of several specific cells. Endocrine disruptors, therefore are substances that mimic our hormones and can cause multiple reactions and changes in our body. Because of their stable nature, Endocrine Disruptors are used in several household cleaning products as well as beauty products, food, soil, air, etc. If you are suffering from PCOS be cautious about the types of products you purchase.

  • Have you lost interest in doing things you earlier enjoyed?
  • Do you worry a lot about your image & physical appearance?
  • Do you feel guilty, depressed or helpless?

Symptoms such as acne, weight gain, excess hair and difficulties getting pregnant may cause women to feel they do not fit the image of how females are supposed to look. Seek support from health professionals such as doctors, psychologists, counsellors, exercise physiologists and the social support of family &.

These can be hard to predict and can seem overwhelming at times. The important thing is to keep your eye on your goals and to keep going. Some days you will succeed and others you will not but in the end you will make progress.

Herbs That Help In Infertility and PCOS

How to cure PCOS naturally fast? Ayurvedic treatment for PCOS has proven to be effective with no harmful side effects unlike surgery & medication. It is recommended to cut down intake of milk & dairy products.

However, it may take longer than usual. Some herbs that help boost fertility & treat PCOs are –

  • Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera)
  • Shatavari (Asparagus racemousa)
  • Shilatij (purified Asphaltum)
  • Cinnamon
  • Maca
  • Turmeric
  • Guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia)
  • Cimicifuga racemosa (Black Cohosh)
  • Chasteberry
  • Neem
  • Amala
  • Saw Palmetto
  • Cordyceps
  • Ashoka (Saraka indica)

Tips To Boost Fertility

Stop taking the birth control pill at least 3 months in advance. Allow your body to resume a normal cycle. Normally you may take ~3 months to conceive. With PCOS, it may take a lot longer due to irregular periods. However, be sure to consult your gynecologist before taking this step.

Natural supplements like Vitex, Evening Primrose Oil, DIM, Inositol and Maca are much better than oral administration of medicines. Ovasitol or inositol(prevents Spina Bifida birth defect and increases progesterone), Folic acid(5mg) or Folivite, Minerals and Vitamin D are recommended if you are planning a family. Folic Acid is important during pregnancy.

Ovulation cycle can be done with test strips at home. A naturopathic doctor will prescribe a complete hormone panel test (including estrogen and progesterone to thyroid, testosterone, DHEA, etc.) 3-4 times a year to measure 11 hormones that impact your menstruation, fertility, thyroid and weight.

Many women have undiagnosed hypothyroidism, which can cause infertility. If you suffer from irregular periods, low libido, low body temperature, imbalanced thyroid hormone levels, anxiety, depression, treat for hypothyroidism.

Chances Of Pregnancy With PCOS & Birth Control Pill

You won’t be able to get pregnant while you are taking birth control pills for PCOS. But if you need help ovulating so that you can become pregnant, certain medicines like Clomiphene, Metformin, FSH, LH or Letrozole may help.

Getting Pregnant With Medical Assistance

Most women with PCOS are likely to become pregnant with medical support. Your gynecologist or infertility specialist will help you ascertain the best medical treatment for PCOS if conditions like blocked fallopian tubes, fibroids, low sperm count or inferior quality of sperms have been tested for & ruled out.

Your gynec may prescribe birth control pills that contain a combination of hormones estrogen and progestin. These pills can help regulate your menstrual cycle by reducing androgen production. You may be prescribed to take this pill for about 2 weeks a month, for a duration of 1-2 months.

Oral administration, injections or minor ovarian surgery coupled with diet & lifestyle changes may help in conceiving faster.

If you are insulin resistant, consult your gynecologist. Administration of Metformin will help in treating insulin resistance and aid in weight loss. In some cases losing weight does not necessarily jump-start regular periods and ovulation, but, definitely significantly increases your chances of pregnancy & promotes healthier lifestyle. It may also improve the effectiveness of some fertility drugs.

Some of the most common side effects of Metformin are

  • Physical weakness or muscle pain
  • Diarrhea, constipation, abdominal pain or flatulence
  • Respiratory tract infection, heartburn or chest discomfort
  • Low blood sugar (hypoglycemia) and Vitamin B-12
  • Nausea, dizziness or vomiting

Letrozole is predominantly a cancer-combating oral administration drug. This is proven to be more effective than Clomid to rekindle ovulation and increase chances of fertility. It’s also known as Femara.

If you are unable to conceive with Clomid & Letrozole successfully over a period of 4-6months, injecting fertility drugs like Gonadotropins maybe recommended by your gynecologist and infertility specialist. Gonadotropin is a hormone made of LH (Luteinizing Hormone) & FSH (Follicle Stimulating Hormone). Repeated oral administration on Clomid can cause ovarian cancer.

Laparoscopic ovarian drilling is making small holes in the ovary with heat or laser, to increasing the rates of ovulation and pregnancy. When oral medication fails to work, LOD can be performed. This kills the tissue on the ovaries that is produces the testosterone(male hormone) interfering with conception.

IUI refers to the injection of carefully chosen healthy sperms either from your partner or a sperm donor (incase of Male Infertility issues) directly into the uterus during ovulation. Oral administration with injection of fertility drugs maybe combined with IUI(Intrauterine Insemination) accelerates the chances of pregnancy significantly. Fertility injections can cause some side-effects and complications, your doctor will recommend a low dosage to begin with.

IVF Treatment For Pregnancy With PCOS

In Vitro Fertilization or IVF boasts upto 90% success rate for pregnancy in patients who suffer from infertility. In fact, IVF may be the best possible chance for women suffering from PCOS to conceive as the last resort. The other wonderful benefit of IVF is that pregnancy can offer short-term relief from PCOS.

Invitro Fertilization starts with ovulation induction by taking in a lot more hormones. The goal is to intentionally mature 12 – 20 eggs in each month, so that the IVF specialist can “harvest” these for fertilizing in the lab.

  • Invitro Fertilization triggers the ovaries to exponentially increase the number of matured eggs produced by the ovaries in every cycle.
  • The eggs are then retrieved and fertilized with the sperm in carefully monitored petri dishes under controlled conditions.
  • Some eggs will fertilize over a period of 4-5 days called as the “embryo”.
  • 1-2 healthy fertilized eggs (embryo) are the transferred to the uterus for further development of the eggs.

Unfortunately, even after the implantation of the egg, the IVF cycle may be unsuccessful. Pregnancy tests performed after 15 days can clearly confirm if the IVF cycle was successful.

It is a known fact that fertility drugs which are either injected or orally administered have short-term or long-term side effects as there is extreme hormonal imbalance in the body. Some of them include –

Over stimulation of ovaries – High dosage of fertility eggs causes production of several mature eggs to increase chances of pregnancy and fertilization. To avoid this, IVM (Invitro Maturation) is recommended by doctors. In IVM, the drug dosage is relatively very low if at all injected. IVM refers to the retrieval of partially or immature eggs from the ovaries and maturing them in the lab under controlled conditions.

PGS Test For Pregnancy with PCOS

The latest in IVF technology is PGS testing (Pre-implantation Genetic Screening). This involves ascertaining if an embryo has a normal set of genes before inserting it back into your uterus. This test is very expensive, but can make one of the biggest possible differences to your chances of success. PGS can increase the IVF success rate probability from 35% per transfer to 70% which essentially halves the chances of an early miscarriage.

PCOS Pregnancy Success Rate

Dr.Silva explains how PCOS affects fertility. Around 5-13% of the world’s population suffers from infertility.

  • There is up to a 70%pregnancy success rate and 60% live birth success rate among women with PCOS who attempt IVF.
  • The typical success rates with IUI is about 15 to 25 percent per cycle; a woman’s individual success rate with IUI is largely impacted by her age.
  • Ovulation induction using clomiphene citrate or gonadotropins is effective with cumulative live birth rates of approximately 70%.
  • Ovarian drilling should be performed when laparoscopy is indicated; this procedure is typically effective in approximately 50% of cases.
  • Once you pass 45 years of age, your success rate is likely to be less than 20% after three attempted cycles.

For these treatments, it is important that the Fallopian tubes are open and the sperm counts are normal.

PCOS Recovery Symptoms

It may be difficult to eradicate PCOS and overcome completely in many cases. However, the recovery with medication, diet & lifestyle changes can see a marked difference. Some of the common visible PCOS recovery symptoms are –

  • Regular periods
  • Lesser or no acne, pimples & oily skin
  • Reduced facial/body hair and hair loss from the temple and frontal portion of the head
  • Controlled blood sugar levels, cholesterol, thyroid levels
  • Feeling more energetic. No more fatigue or feeling of depression
  • No excessive weight gain in the stomach or thighs.

Hope this article was helpful and will make your journey to motherhood a little smoother and relaxed.


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Dr Shivani Sachdev Gour2020-01-05 < Reply

Very good and informative post.

Ekta2020-01-07 < Reply

Dear Dr.Shavani, thank you for you kind words. Means alot coming from a doctor like you!

Dr.Shraddha Goel2019-12-03 < Reply

PCOS brings Challenges with Pregnancy and increased chances of Miscarriage, Gestational Diabetes & Gestational Hypertension. Dr.Shradha's PCOS Clinic High Risk Pregnancy Management helps you to face all Challenges. Deliver your Bundle of Joy at our maternity unit “PAALNA”

Yogita Amit Joshi2019-11-17 < Reply

It was a very detailed and informative post, . Very helpful for women with PCOS who are trying to conceive.

Ekta2019-11-18 < Reply

Thank you Yogita :) This piece entails everything you need to know about getting pregnant if you have PCOS.

Deepa2019-11-16 < Reply

Wow! This is a detailed post on PCOD. It is very common these days. It is surely a very helpful post about it. I am sharing it.

Ekta2019-11-18 < Reply

Thank you for sharing, will be helpful for many women. Alot of research has gone into articulating this blog.

Prakhar Kasera2019-11-16 < Reply

That is a very elaborated and informative post and something next that might be in need of awareness.

Ekta2019-11-18 < Reply

Yes Prakhar, the intention is to reach every woman suffering from PCOS to ensure end-to-end support.

Amrit Kaur2019-11-16 < Reply

This is a detailed and informative post for women who suffer from PCOS and think that they can't conceive. I am sharing it with my friend who is facing some issues.

Ekta2019-11-18 < Reply

It is true that conceiving with PCOS is difficult but with diet & lifestyle changes you can easily overcome the problems.

Reetuparna Saha2019-11-16 < Reply

Pregnancy is such a wonderful phase of life. Everyone should have the right and privilege for the same. This article is going to be an eye opener and guide for so many women suffering from this condition.

Ekta2019-11-18 < Reply

Thank you so much Reetuparna.

Seema Wadhwa2019-11-16 < Reply

I think PCOS has been a very prevalent issue among a lot of women in India and overseas, this article will be extremely helpful for them. It's nice of you to share this!

Ekta2019-11-18 < Reply

Thank you Seema. The incidence of PCOS is only increasing every year. We hope to help women struggling to conceive naturally.

Jhilmil D Saha2019-11-16 < Reply

It was a very detailed information, just like in a book. It will be very helpful for women with PCOS who are willing to conceive.

Ekta2019-11-18 < Reply

Thank you Jhilmil. Alot of effort has gone into making this a complete guide for women with PCOS.

Priyanka Bhattacharya2019-11-16 < Reply

I must say a very insightful article. You have covered pretty much everything and I just had a flashback. I had PCOS and it took some some time to correct our lifestyle and conceive. But every step taken in this direction is totally worth it. I am very lucky that I no longer suffer from PCOS, which is no less than a miracle in itself. So, I would strongly suggest everyone to adapt to the necessary changes to improve the quality of life.

Ekta2019-11-18 < Reply

Thank you Priyanka for sharing your personal journey, glad you are keeping great health now :)

Siddhi Palande2019-11-15 < Reply

Such a detailed post and much necessary. I have been through all of those and a wave of nostalgia just hit me. Pcos may not be cured but we can be pregnant despite the condition. I hope this post helps many women out there. I am a living proof that pregnancy with pcos is possible. You need a good gynac and excellent guidance