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Category: Development

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  1. The Ultimate Parenting guide
  2. Sex Education. How to talk about sex with your kids?
  3. Breaking Gender Stereotypes; Gender Sensitization begins at home
  4. Key to successful parenting

Wouldn’t it be fantastic if someone came by and handed you a manual to follow and pass the parenting exam with flying colours? If only it were that simple. Well, no parent would deny the fact that Parenting is an ultimate challenge – and there are no hard and fast rules for it. It is important for us to just keep our cool, remain light hearted and deal with them in a relaxed manner. This is The Ultimate Parenting guide. Many a times, kids pose questions which put us in an awkward position; where we become speechless. Talking about sex has never been easy for both parents as well as kids. But, with the ever growing awareness about it has made it mandatory for every parent to talk and educate their children. How NOT to talk about Sex with your kids is a very light-hearted approach in this regard. Gender sensitization begins at home – how many of us wouldn’t agree to this fact? Do we even realize that our children might be watching, observing and imbibing so much from what we do every day? Kids seem so busy and self-absorbed in their tasks that we might think that they don’t take notice of our everyday actions; but they do. So, we should never adopt double standards; absolutely no pretence from our part, whatsoever. We have to put an example to our kids that there is no work only for women and no work only for men. Learn how in our blog titled the same.In this 21st century where women refrain from taking a backseat, are moving leaps & bounds to set an example for their peers, why this gender bias? We talk about equality. We talk about abolishing child discrimination. But deep down in our heart, our culture, our family decree we incline towards an invisible prejudice that is prevalent in almost every household. You could start with the basics –  toys, and slowly move on to bigger aspects. Our blog post Breaking Gender Stereotypes – the New age kids is an attempt towards this. Research has shown that the most vital element to grow emotionally strong, healthy, happier and resilient children is attachment and connection. This innocence in thinking, this simplicity in life, this grit in taking up challenges, this warmth in expressing love, this charm and zest in the smile, this confidence in life as a journey will only fade with time if not nurtured in the right direction. Learn more about it in our blog post Key to successful parenting – unconditional love.