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The Three D’s Of Weight Loss – Determination, Discipline And Dedication

Published on: 11 October , 2017 | Zainab Raazi

When we decide to lose weight, don’t we want to see the results as quick as possible? It’s only human. But, honestly, it’s not as simple as this. If you do any fad diets and say lose 7 kilos in a month, be prepared to gain it back, or perhaps even more. The best way to lose weight and keep it off is by making small changes and being consistent. The Three D’s Of Weight Loss are your key to the journey. They are:

Determination, Discipline, and Dedication.

First and foremost, you need to stop being in ‘denial’ and come to terms with the fact that the situation needs to change. Once, this is done, it gets better. The hardest bit is admitting to yourself, but once you brave up it gets easier. Remind yourself, that you are doing this for yourself, not for your family, friends or boyfriend. It could be a few vanity pounds or 100 pounds, but, this is YOUR journey. And, it begins with your determination.

Be Determined. Stay Disciplined.

Now, you can be determined, but what good is that determination which works only in theory?  You can keep planning workouts, or ‘think’ about switching to healthier ways of cooking. But, that determination is good only when you follow it with a discipline.

Now, this does not mean, that pizzas and pastas are gone forever.

Create a balance, rather than making everything you love go away. Indulging once in awhile is ok, because let’s face it, its life. There will be weddings and other social gatherings.

Switching to healthier lifestyle should not feel like a punishment. Infact it should feel rewarding.

But, with that said, discipline should not be forgotten. One can always, chose a smaller portion of lunch if such situations arise. Or, work out a little extra the next day ;)

Be Dedicated

The good part with being determined and disciplined, is that the dedication follows right behind. You will find yourself dedicated to your healthier lifestyle once you are doing the other two D’s. It will come naturally to you, without making much extra effort.

Some tips to get started with your healthy lifestyle:

  1. Don’t wait for a Monday, new month or new year. Now is good enough.
  2. Keep a diary and pen down all you eat, this helps a lot. If you are not old-school there are zillions of app’s which help you log in your food and help with calories.
  3. Don’t do crash diets, because they never work.
  4. Start slow, if that means one healthy meal a day, to begin with, go for it.
  5. Clean up your snacks. Instead of reaching out for chips, biscuits opt for fox nuts if you want the crunch. There are lot more healthier snacks options-vegetables with hummus, boiled eggs, etc.
  6. Add raw vegetables with both your main meals.
  7. Drink lot of water. If you can, start your day with 1 litre of water.
  8. Switch to wholemeal foods, ie, try to skip maids, white bread, white pasta.
  9. Learn portion control, this comes handy when eating out, or at a gathering.
  10. Read labels, when buying food/junk food. You will surprised at how many calories it has.
  11. Start working out, only when you have somewhat adapted to food habits.
  12. There are some amazing videos on YouTube, so you do not need to spend money.
  13. And, remember, it’s about the journey. Not about the destination.
  14. Keep yourself motivated, by reading success stories.
  15. Give time, it will not happen overnight. Keep Pushing and you will get there!

Disclaimer: I’m not a dietician; everything I shared is based on my personal experience.

This Blog contributed by Zainab Raazi is a part of The Ultimate #BlogChallenge.

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Zainab Raazi

Zainab is SAHM and lifestyle blogger, who blogs about everything under the sun on SlimExpectations.

keerthi vydyula 2017-10-17 01:12:38

You really never stop inspiring me through your fitness posts Zainab. Indeed Now is good enough to take that first step for a healthy life style!

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keerthi vydyula 2017-10-17 01:12:38

Thanks Keerthi.. Zainab's forte is health & fitness. It's easy to relate to someone who writes from the heart :)

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Bellybytes 2017-10-13 05:49:05

Ah Zainab as you grow older determination gets weaker. I’ve done all kinds of diets , regimes, disciplines etc. but eventually life takes over . I’m doing my last diet of my life now only because I want to be medicine free and easier to carry when I’m gone . This post will help keeping me on track.

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Bellybytes 2017-10-13 05:49:05

Hi Unshita, determination grows stronger if you are regular. It then becomes a habit an eventually your nature to eat healthy and exercise regularly :)

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Dr Roshan Radhakrishnan 2017-10-12 19:28:55

Thanks for this. As someone who has been at the wrong end of obesity for far too long, I need to keep reading this. And realizing the value of small steps in reaching a large goal

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Dr Roshan Radhakrishnan 2017-10-12 19:28:55

Hi Dr.Roshan, thank for acknowledging Zainab's efforts :) Never too late to make a beginning!

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Balaka Basu 2017-10-12 12:25:36

That is a great post..and it came exactly when I needed some motivation.

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Balaka Basu 2017-10-12 12:25:36

Thanks Balaka, always a nice feeling to be some help to someone :)

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Ghazala Naseem 2017-10-12 10:12:24

Lovely Post , quite motivational one :-)

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Ghazala Naseem 2017-10-12 10:12:24

True, Zainab thank for the tips!

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Neha 2017-10-12 08:24:46

You have always focused on healthy way of weight loss and these are great tips for those looking to lose those extra flabs!

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Neha 2017-10-12 08:24:46

Absolutely Neha, great to read but tough to have continence in food :)lol..

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Amrita 2017-10-12 00:02:13

A very inspiring post .Special after the fedtivals we need the 3Ds to get started

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Amrita 2017-10-12 00:02:13

Haha... who doesn't have a sweet tooth? Diwali afterall! :)

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Thank you for the comment!