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Holy Cow! I Forgot My Wife’s Birthday!

Published on: 25 September , 2018 | AKAV

Sipping my morning coffee, I was glancing through the newspaper when my little daughter came up and hugged me and gave me my daily dose of her sweet kiss wishing me “Good Morning”. This is a routine that makes my day and keeps me ticking the whole day. I have a liking to astrology and daily horoscope and make it a point to read it daily. Always fascinated me how well these guys write to make everyone born in a particular star sign believe that their day is going to be as predicted. Now, all the Scorpios are going to make a quick buck and all the Virgos are going to have digestive problems. Love the way the words are twisted and turned to generalise it. [caption id="attachment_4229" align="aligncenter" width="570"] etsy.com[/caption] My daughter loves to know how her day is going to be and as soon as I get my dose of hug and kiss I read out her daily horoscope. After reading out, she always asks me one simple question. "Means?" And I reply " It's going to be awesome" Off she goes to get ready for the school and I finish my coffee and get going to my room to get ready for office. My wife Reshmi in the meanwhile was in the kitchen getting things ready for me and my daughter. She is a wonderful home maker and a teacher by hobby. She visits the orphanage school to take Spoken English and drawing classes every Weekend. So, after our yummy breakfast, me and my little one set out for our respective destinations, she to school and me to office. As I settled down to work, I got a call from my Mom In Law wishing me on my Wife's Birthday. Gosh! How could I forget her birthday? How could I be so forgetful? What would Reshmi think? I felt so horrible that I could hardly speak to my Mom in Law. [caption id="attachment_4230" align="alignleft" width="1024"] BestBirthdayCake[/caption] I hurriedly finished the conversation and started to think what I should do with the current state of affairs. Finally I decided not to call her and wish her. Instead I thought of ways to cheer her up. So I texted her saying that we all will go for a movie and dine out tonight. My wait for a reply was getting me a bit worried. So after an hour or so, I got a message saying she had already made dinner and since it was a Saturday, she had to go to School for her classes. What do I do now? She is one who puts in all the effort to make us feel so special on our Birthdays and special occasions. Just a couple of months back she organized a Surprise Birthday for me, and here I am, who conveniently forgot her Birthday. By now I was feeling so ashamed just by this thought. So I decided to go get her a good gift and give her a surprise visit. Since Saturdays are more or less chillax for a broking firm like ours, I left my office after delegating the work to my subordinate. I got a pendant and got a bouquet of red roses, her favorite. I reached home and was wondering how I would face her, but it turned out to be an anti climax as she was not at home. She presumably had gone to shop for groceries from the nearby super market. After a wait if about 5 minutes, I heard her voice from behind. She was amused and asked me, "Neeraj, What happened? Is Everything alright? Are you fine? So, here was my moment.... I said "Happy Birthday Baby...so sorry for not wishing you in the morning" She was like Oh, thats ok. It happens. Even I forgot it was my Birthday. That made me feel even more horrible. So I went ahead and gave her a nice hug and gave her the gifts which I had bought for her. "What is this? Are you crazy? You left your work and bought all this? So nice of you, but why? So that afternoon we had lunch together at home and we both went to pick up our daughter from school. Post that, she went to take classes and at night we stepped out for a dessert drive before we called it a day. Even today, after so many years since this incident, when I look back, I feel blessed to have a life companion like her. In spite of my forgetting her Birthday, she was not a bit upset at all. They say a lady can either finish a man or complete him. Blessed to have one who does the latter. It May Also Interets You To Read - Best Birthday Themes For Girls Best Birthday Themes For Boys Best Cake Shops & Bakers In Kolkata
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