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Saline Nasal Drops For Babies – How To Give, Benefits & Side Effects

Every child born has suffered from cold & cough as an infant & toddler several times. No child is an exception. Saline Drops alleviate congestion caused due to allergies, flu or cold. This blogs will give you a complete guide to – Saline Nasal Drops For Babies – How To Give, Benefits & Side Effects and Dosage.

Also read best home remedies to cure cold & cough

What Causes Nasal Congestion?

Nasal congestion occurs when blood vessels and the tissues in the nasal cavity get clogged with too much mucus (whitish, yellowish or greenish semi-solid discharge) or fluid. It causes difficulty in breathing normally & leads to disturbed sleep. The viral infection also can cause sinus infection.

What Are Saline Nasal Drops For Babies?

Saline Nasal drops is a safe mixture of salt & water that is poured in both the nostrils to relieve nasal congestion caused due to cold and blocked nose. When your little baby catches cold, the mucus get accumulated in the nose, blocking the air passage, making it difficult for your baby to breathe comfortably. Infants and toddlers are very young to blow out the mucus / phlegm produced by the respiratory system or administered with decongestants, so nasal drops is the obvious choice suggested by pediatricians globally.

How Does Saline Nasal Drops Work?

The composition of “Salt+Water” causes the blood vessels to contract and dilates the mucus to reduce swelling in the sinus area.  

Benefits Of Saline Nasal Drops For Babies

  1. It relieves runny, stuffy, dry nose that cause congestion.
  2. Removes mucus & clears nasal passage.
  3. Contains no side effects, no medicines or drugs.
  4. Keeps nostrils moisturized.

How To Give Nasal Saline Drops to Babies?

New-born baby care requires extra care & caution as infants are vulnerable to infections at this stage. Hygiene, frequency of administration, quantity, brand and quality are some important criteria to keep in mind. Here is your ready reckoner to give nasal drops to relieve nasal congestion in babies.

  1. Clean your hands thoroughly with soap and water to remove all dirt, germs & bacteria. Also sterilize or wash the dropper with warm water before use to rule out chances of infection.
  2. Place your baby on your lap or on the bed and incline with support of your left arm (if you are right-handed & vice-versa if you are left-handed) so that the head is slightly elevated.
  3. Use only a dropper that is provided in the pack & follow recommended dosage by your pediatrician. The dosage recommended behind the pack / box is only an indicative.
  4. Once the saline drops are sucked up to the mark in the dropper, insert it inside the nostril of your baby, while avoiding contact with the inside of the nostril.
  5. Once the nasal saline drops are administered in both sides of the nose gently with the bulb of the dropper, let the baby lie in the same position for 2-3 minutes so that the drops seep into the nasal passage with ease. Rub off the excess.
  6. Wash the dropper again with water and place it inside the box for next use.

If your child is older or is a toddler, you can follow the same procedure. But make sure your child tries to blow out the mucus / phlegm to clear the nasal passage before inserting the nasal saline drops.

Try to position the nasal bulb “OUT” rather than “UP” as it’s alot more easier to suck out the mucus & fluid this way.

Since the septum in the centre of the nose has more nerves than our nostrils do, if the bulb syringe is positioned straight up, it normally rubs against the septum which is very uncomfortable for the child.  Point the bulb syringe “outwards”, away from the septum for ease of dilation.

How To Remove Mucus From An Infant’s Blocked Nose?

You can remove the mucus using the same dropper you used to insert the nasal saline drops. A dropper has a bulb on it end.

  1. After you have placed two drops of the drops in the nostril, squeeze the bulb before you insert it into the nose.
  2. When you release the bulb it will draw / suck the mucus from the nasal cavity, providing instant relief to your baby.

CAUTION: Do not squeeze the bulb after inserting it inside the nose. This may result in a sudden gush of air which can push the mucus further into the nose causing even more discomfort to the baby.

Also read natural home remedies for indigestion in kids

You can repeat this activity every time you see your child in discomfort, especially before putting him to sleep in the night to ensure a sound sleep through the night. Do not forget to sterilize the dropper and bulb completely after each use.

Benefits Of Nasal Saline Drops / Spray

  1. It is very affordable. My pediatrician recommended Nasoclear Nasal Drops. It costs Rs.44 per 20ml.
  2. It is easily available in all leading and small pharmacies across India.
  3. You do not necessarily need a doctor’s prescription to buy one.
  4. It is effective in providing quick relief but is not medicated with harmful preservatives, colours or additives.

Side Effects Of Nasal Saline Drops

  1. Single dosage may not be sufficient. You may have to give 4-5 doses every day if the cold is severe for few days until the cold and congestion subsides.
  2. Infants may cry because of discomfort caused due to sneezing, burning sensation or stinging.
  3. While young infants cannot express their pain in words, older kids seldom complain of headaches, nausea, difficulty in breathing, visible rashes, recurrent itching, swelling & troubled sleeping. In this case you should definitely consult your doctor immediately.
  4. Sharing of nasal drops is strictly prohibited to avoid spread of infections. Also, kindly discard the saline drops once your child has fully recovered from cold / allergy / flu. It is recommended to buy a new pack if your child encounters a similar problem after few days / weeks / months to avoid further infection from previous contact with the dropper with the nostril.

Also read Gripe Water For Babies – Benefits & Side Effects

Recommended Dose Of Nasal Saline Drops For Babies

Generally, your doctor will recommend you to place 2 drops of the nasal saline drops in each nostril with a suction dropper and a bulb for ease of use. How often to use saline nasal spray for babies? Since it is just salt + water, the recommended dosage for saline nasal drops for babies is about 3-6 times a day.

3 Best Nasal Saline Drops For Kids

There are many saline nasal spray brands available easily. The ones listed below are non-medicated and recommended by Dr.Ranjitha from Kanchi Kamakoti Child Trust Hospital. Saline nasal drops can also be used by adults.

Nasoclear Saline Drops – Best Nasal Saline Drops For NewBorn Babies

Nasoclear is a safe and one of the best saline nasal drops for babies often recommended by Pediatricians that helps to aiding from stuffy congested nose. It moisturizes the nose & soothes dryness and itchiness naturally. It can be used for babies and toddlers from birth upto 2 years.

Price: Rs. 40 for 20ml

Nasivion Child Nasal Drops – Best Nasal Drops For Kids

Nasivion Nasal Drops is very safe a saline solution that works as a nasal decongestant for children above 1 year. 2 drops squirted in each nostril helps to provide long-lasting about 12 hours.

Price: Rs. 55 for 10ml

Otrivin S – Best Nasal Saline Drops For Child

Otrivin Pediatric Nasal Spray is non-medicated nasal decongestant is given to children from 6 to 12 years. It is very safe for multiple use and lasts long.

Price: Rs. 52 for 10ml

How To Make Saline Drops For Infants

  1. Bring 200ml water to boil for 8-10 minutes
  2. Add 5gms of non-iodised salt and mix until completely dissolved.
  3. Let it cool down and store in a clean bottle. This can be used up to 24 hours.

Also read Best Pediatricians In Chennai

How To Remove Mucus Using Steam

While removing the mucus manually may be a challenge for some parents, there are other ways which provide quick, long-lasting relief from blocked nose & congestion – ‘STEAMING’. Steaming entails the use of a vaporizer or humidifier that can be inhaled by the baby to open-up blocked passages. The mist released while steaming should be kept away from the reach of the baby. Steam using Vicks Baby Rub, Eucalyptus Oil and essential herbs & oils has proven effecting for all ages. Infact steaming releases blocked pores in the skin & thus helps get rid of dirt accumulated over many weeks resulting in glowing skin.

Breast Milk Helps In Treating Nasal Congestion

Like really? Yes, it does. A mother’s milk has enormous benefits – one of the lesser known health benefits is that it can work just as well as the saline drops since it is already buffered. Since it contains many anti-viral & anti-bacterial constituents, it fights the infection naturally and pushes out the mucus providing relief to the baby in the most natural way possible.

How To Use Breast Milk To Clear Nasal Congestion?

There are two ways how you can administer your breast milk –

  1. Either express it directly into your baby’s nostril – 2-3 drops on each side. May sound difficult, but it’s not very tough once you have tried it couple of times.
  2. If you are not very sure, you can collect few drops in a bowl, use a suction bulb / syringe and release it in your child’s nose just like the saline drops. After few minutes you can use the bulb to remove the mucus from the nose.

Also read Health Benefits Of Breast Feeding

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How To Increase Appetite In Babies, Toddlers & Children

8 out of 10 mothers complain about their babies not eating properly (even if they eat sufficiently). Every MOM has that feeling! Toddler are often fussy about what they eat & we have earlier seen how to feed you picky toddlers without blazing, bribing & begging! There are many healthy foods that help your child gain weight naturally. And today, we will discuss about How To Increase Appetite In Babies, Toddlers & Children.

Children often ape their parents and get hooked to junk food at a very early age. In earlier days, mothers used to pack boiled channa (sundal), aloo paratha, sliced cucumber and carrot or fresh fruits for snacks. But these days, for ease of making, most of the healthy food has been replaced by chocos, McCain Smileys’, bourbon cream biscuits, bread-butter-jam or chips and pasta or noodles for lunch. It’s obvious children get acquainted to junk food because our lifestyle is changing rapidly and we eat out a lot more than earlier. In the long run, this affects their digestive system & immunity easily.

Read: Shocking 14 junk foods you must avoid and why!

Causes Of Poor Appetite In Babies & Toddlers

Falling Sick Regularly – Main cause of low appetite in babies

Low immunity leads to children falling sick more often. Cold, cough, fever & flu causes weakness and the child loses interest in eating. As a result the child may eat 30% lesser than normal. So, ensure you know how to boost your child’s immunity and the foods that help you improve your toddlers immunity naturally.

Overdose Of Whole Grains & Dairy Products

It’s a well-known fact that whole grains are fibre-rich & do not make us feel hungry for a long time. Oats are a classis example of keeping your child’s tummy full. So, if your child’s diet is fibre rich, your child will cease to feel hungry for longer than usual. Similarly, even milk & other dairy products cause fullness in the stomach and curb the desire to eat more.

Indigestion In Kids

Indigestion In Kids
Indigestion In Kids

Improper digestion can be caused due to wrong foods, wrong timing or wrong schedule. Our body produces ‘agni’ the fire which aids in digesting the food and appropriate absorption to convert it into energy for further use by the body for various mechanisms. Flatulence, gas, colic in babies is a common phenomenon which slows down the digestion process as a result of which children do not eat enough. Read natural home remedies for indigestion in kids.

Insufficient Zinc Levels In The Body – What Causes Poor Appetite In Kids

Zinc is an essential mineral that helps in fighting infections, forming DNA & producing WBCs. Reduced dietary intake or inadequate absorption of Zinc by the body causes Zinc deficiency. The RDA(Recommended Daily Amount) of Zinc is 8mg per day. Our body contains about 2gms of Zinc and is essential for skeletal muscle development. It produces HCl (Hydrochloric Acid) which is required for normal digestion. The foods that are rich in Zinc are cashew nuts, pumpkin seeds, legumes, nuts, dairy products, meat, eggs, whole grains & meat. Homemade cerelac is a healthy way to increase appetite as it contains legumes, nuts & cereals. Read, How To Make Homemade Heath Mix – Sathu Maavu: Ingredients & Recipe.

Untimely & Unplanned Meals

Many mothers have a tendency to over-feed the child. Let’s have a raise of hands please! We end up feeding our children more often than required. If we give our children heavy meals within 2-3 hours gap, the food consumed earlier doesn’t get digested properly. As a result you spend more time trying to convince you fussy child to eat and obviously get stressed about his inability to complete his meal and the child loses interest in food because of repeated forceful eating.

Slow Growth

They say that a baby’s weight triples in the first year. Sometimes, you may notice that you baby is not gaining much weight over 2-4 months and there is ‘failure to thrive’. Since the growth has slowed down, the energy required by the body remains the same & does not accelerate the need to consume more calories. This leads to loss of appetite. Frequent sickness may also be a major cause. Do you know about the 2nd Growth Spurt – A lesser known but CRITICAL Growth Opportunity For Your Child.

Skipping Breakfast

Your child cannot skip breakfast no matter how old. It is proven that children who eat healthy breakfast perform far better at school – their memory & attention span is much better than those who skip the first “break the fast” meal.

15 Foods That Increase Appetite In Babies, Toddlers & Children

Ginger – Best Foods to Increase Appetite In Babies

Ginger is a wonder food with multiple health benefits. You can either give a spoon of grated ginger juice mixed with honey in the morning or add grated ginger juice in buttermilk / sweet lassi / chaasin the afternoon to boost the ‘agni’ – fire in the stomach to aid the digestion process. Ginger with honey or peppermint relieves gas, flatulence & constipation. Garlic also helps in quick digestion. Also read the other health benefits of Garlic.

Carrot – Foods That Promote Digestion In Children

Carrots can be either consumed or as carrot juice. Rich in Vitamin A, it is not just good for the eye sight, but also helps in deworming as well. Carrot juice given 3-4 times a week helps increase appetite and is much better other juices as it does not require added sugar. Since it doesn’t have to be refrigerated to serve, it minimizes risks of causing cough or cold.

Curd / Yoghurt – How to Increase Appetite In Babies, Toddlers & Children

It’s a proven fact that curd and yoghurt are better than milk for the digestive tract to increase the child’s appetite. Curd is an amazing probiotic and can either be given along with juice of 4-5 mint(pudina) leaves or roasted fenugreek seeds powder. Mint cools down the body & accelerates the digestive process in toddlers and adults. You can also give cottage cheese (paneer) or cream cheese instead of milk to your child.

Cinnamon – Home Remedies To Increase Hunger In Child

Cinnamon has a plethora of health benefits including weight loss in adults, curbs sugar levels / bad cholesterol in body if taken every day on empty stomach early morning. “Hydroxychalcone” a component in cinnamon helps increasing the child’s appetite as it digests the food faster. Cinnamon powder is common household ingredient used in curries, garam masala, biryani, desserts like pies, tarts, pastries and beverages. For toddlers above 8 months old, you can use cinnamon in the home made health mix, mashes & porridge.

Carom Seeds – How Ajwain Helps In Digestion

      Carom Seeds is called Ajwain in Hindi & Omam in Tamil. Ajwain is an excellent ingredient used to cure cold & cough in kids. It can be soaked in water and consumed on empty stomach every morning. Alternatively, it can also be used in parathas or while kneading the dough or tempering (tadkas) in Indian gravies. It improves the digestion process significantly.

Lemon Juice – How Vitamin C Helps Boost Immunity

Lemons are rich in Vitamin C, which help boost immunity. Oranges also contain Vitamin C which help avoid cough & cold. Squeeze half a lemon in your water & drink it on empty stomach – this expedites the digestive process & clears your bowels faster. Young kids can be given lemon juice with sugar which is very refreshing on a hot summer afternoon.

Zinc Rich Foods For Babies

Some of the best Zinc rich foods are dairy products, cashews, peanuts, pumpkin seeds, nuts & meat. Zinc aids digestion. Peanuts – the “king of nuts” can be given in the form of peanut & jiggery chikkis or in chutneys with your South Indian Cuisine. You can even give boiled peanuts with a dash or lemon & salt as a snack to school. They will absolutely love it! Pumpkin Seeds & other dry nuts are also rich in Zinc who improves appetite in kids. Ensure they eat only a handful, else chances are they may skip a meal if they gorge on too many nuts.

Rasam – Best Ways To Increase Appetite In Babies

Rasam can be given as a soup or along with rice. Rasam rice is a popular Indian dish that is served as an accompaniment post lunch as it aids quick digestion. It is made of tamarind, tomato, black pepper & garlic as it’s main ingredients. It is tasty & easy to make. It can be given to toddlers after 6 months.

Thyme & Basil – Best Ayurvedic Herbs To Promote Digestion

They are wonder herbs that are widely used in Ayurvedic medicine since centuries. Crushed Thyme & Basil can be soaked in water or can be added to daals if your toddler is a fussy eater.

Chyawanprash – How Ayurveda Can Help Increase Appetite In Children

Chyawanprash is a popular herb given to ids above 5 years who are poor eaters & suffer from poor digestion. Consult your pediatrician for correct dosage before oral administration.

Choornam – Ayurvedic Herbs That Can Help Increase Appetite In Toddlers

Rajanyadi Choornam is an Ayurvedic herb that can be given to infants above 6 months of age. Babies often play on the floor and are habituated to putting everything in their mouth. This can lead to stomach infection and worms. Choornam can help in de-worming, strengthening the child’s bones & immune system and normalizing digestion. It can be given before feeding your child or along with lunch mixed with ghee and rice, in warm water early morning or in buttermilk. Recommended dosage – 5gms a day. Ashta Choornam is a mix of 8 herbs that also works in similar fashion and helps increase appetite. This can be given to children above 1 year.

Plums, Berries, Grapes, Apples & Peaches – Best Fruits To Improve Digestion

Many parents do not give adequate fruits to their children or stick to the basic banana & papaya. It is an uncommon fact that peaches, berries & plums also help in increasing your child’s appetite. Grapes are one of the best options for mid-day snacking. They are finger fruits children love to eat. They contain Chromium which is essential for development of the child.

Mustharishtham – Homeopathy Drops / Syrup for Increasing Hunger

This is an age old remedy for restoring appetite caused due to indigestion. It is generally administered on older kids above 1 year.

Asafoetida – How Hing Helps In Promoting Digestion

Every Indian household uses hing in daals (lentils / pulses) and gravies that cause gas or flatulence like chola / channa, rajma, moong daal, etc. Good digestion results in good appetite for successive meal. You can add it to khichadi, rasam, buttermilk, daal rice or any food along with lunch or dinner.

Tips To Boost Appetite In Babies


Water is the Elixir Of Life – it’s essential to give children a glass of water as they wake up and at least 30 minutes before every meal and not just before as it fills the stomach.

Offer Small Portions – Baby Loss Of Appetite at 6 months

Instead of giving 3 big meals in a day, break it down to 6 small meals. This builds appetite and boosts digestion. The child will also accept the idea of eating on his own if they healthy finger foods. Avoid stressful conversations while feeding. The tendency to stop eating is much higher as the child will want to move away from such serious discussions.

Avoid Strong Taste & Odour

Pungent smell, taste & odour are a big put-off for kids. Foods like ginger, garlic, vinegar, an overdose of haldi should be avoided. Instead use appetizing herbs like Oregano & coriander powder for garnishing in different cuisines help increase appetite in babies.

Get Active – Increase Hunger Naturally

Most kids these days are glued to the digital world. They should be urged to go & play outdoors. Physical activity will cause energy deficit in the body & in-turn the body will want you to replenish the energy. Your active child will drink plenty of fluids & will want to eat more.

Elevated Body & Environment Temperature

It’s a known fact that people eat more during winters to keep them warm. Hot soups and high calorie diet is preferred when the temperature is cooler outside. If your child is kept too warm or the temperature is hotter than normal, he / she will refrain from eating. Cooler temperatures, well-ventilated rooms, easy access to outdoors will make your child want to eat better. So make sure you keep your windows open and get a breath of fresh air.

Avoid Repetition Of Food Colours, Flavours & Textures

Children are always gravitated to colours, variety & taste. Try to shuttle between different colours, texture, shapes and sizes. Too much of the same thing can lead to boredom & the child may not take interest in eating it repeatedly. So change the meal size, meal structure & limit the quantity. Do not force feed repeatedly.

Do not make feeding a struggle for your & your baby; you may run the risk of setting a negative pattern or mood around mealtimes that can be hard task to overcome. All children are different. Your child may not require energy as much your friend’s child does. Every child’s metabolism & body mechanism works differently. As long as his/her growth (height & weight) are on track. Aptivate & Pediakid are few syrups given to babies for weight gain with consultation of the pediatrician.

Launch Of Billabong International School Hadapsar by Kangaroo Kids – Best Schools in Pune

Parents today, are aware that about 90% of the brain develops before the age of 5. A pre-school lays solid foundation of imparting a holistic learning for the child. An overall development comprises of not only intellectual but also social, physical & analytical skills along with inculcating the right values that will help your child go beyond horizons. Finding the best school for your child is a herculean task. So, here we bring to you the latest in Pune – The Launch Of Billabong International School Hadapsar by Kangaroo Kids – Best Schools in Pune.

Also read other Best Places To Visit With Kids In Pune

Many preschools in Pune also provide toddler programs for encouraging early learning & development. The right school fosters courage, self-determination & wisdom, preparing him/her to face the competitive world. It is this phase when the core of one’s personality, social being & etiquette takes place.

Launch Of Billabong International School Hadapsar by Kangaroo Kids Education Limited (KKEL)

On 8th June 2019, we were delighted to be a part of the inauguration of Billabong High International School by Kangaroo Kids Education Ltd. in Hadapsar. Kangaroo Kids Education Ltd. (KKEL) pioneers in new age schooling and learning methodologies, with a World class education model based on Neuroscience.  Spread around 2.25 acres, it has a capacity to enroll & educate 2,000+ students. They are open to admissions from this academic year from July 2019.

Highlights – USP of Billabong High International School(BHIS)

Kangaroo Kids has pioneered a personalised learning app “Skippytech” for pre-school kids. The Skippytech is scientifically designed using the latest pedagogical research, keeping the young pre-schoolers’ interests and abilities in mind, engaging in fun activities without worrying about competitive scores.

A digital-interactive learning platform “Billabox” for Grade1-8 kids at Billabong High International has been introduced to bring alive the curriculum and encourage students to navigate and practice.

BHIS will follow the curriculum of IGCSE and CBSC Boards, providing the best-in-class learning for students from Jr KG to Grade 12.

KKEL work closely with BVQI to ensure schools are certified as per international safety standards.

Aimed at offering a holistic learning experience for students, the state of the art campus will offer a Football Field, Swimming Pool, Skating Rink, Squash Court, 300-seater Auditorium, Indoor Sports Arena and fully functional Labs as well as Activity rooms for Dance, Music and Art to cater to the comprehensive needs of the young inquisitive minds.

They have pioneered a unique proprietary pedagogical model that has been developed over 25 years with more than 1,50,000 hours spent on the research and design which is based on contemporary education research, neuroscience and energy science.

Also read other Best Playschools / Preschools in Pune

Launch Of Billabong International School Hadapsar by Kangaroo Kids – Best Schools in Pune

The event was graced by Mrs. Lina Ashar, the Founder of Kangaroo Kids & the CEO Mr. Seshsai KVS along with Shrutika Lawande, the Principal of the school.

Mrs. Lina Ashar said “It is the 26th school under the brand Billabong High International and it is an extremely proud moment for us as a team. Our core focus since inception has been to create modernised centres of learning that can not only deliver global best practices in learning but also set strong foundation in terms of holistic growth among the students. In all these years, we have pursued our vision and it is satisfying to improve upon our vision with the launch of this future-ready campus. At BHIS safety goes beyond the physical domain. We provide an emotionally and socially safe environment for our students.”

About Kangaroo Kids & Billabong School

KKEL’s revolutionary model of education is imparted at over 40 cities across India, Dubai, Qatar and Maldives. Established by KKEL in 2003; Billabong with it’s new format schooling & learning methodology now has 26 schools in India and Maldives. With a goal to create rewarding learning experiences, it aims at giving a purpose to learning and allowing children to be thinkers, innovators and problem solvers will result in a natural and integrated development of knowledge, skills and thinking. Billabong High International School offers the ICSE, IGCSE and CBSE boards, from preschool through Grade 12.

Also read Best Maternity & Baby Photographers in Pune

Brands of KKEL

·         The Kangaroo Kids Club –Toddler Program

·         Kangaroo Kids International Preschool (Kangaroo Kids)

·         Billabong High International School (BHIS)

·         Kangaroo Kids Institute for Teachers Training Development and Research (KITDR).

Old-school teaching methodology is now obsolete. Many parents are looking for practical & proactive learning methodology. If you are a resident of Pune, Hadapsar, your search for the Best Preschool / International School in Pune ends here. Afterall, we want to teach our children – ‘How To Think’ rather than ‘ What To Think’.

Also read Best Maternity Hospitals & Gynecologists in Pune

If You Haven’t Got KENT CamEye Yet, This Review Will Change Your Mind

Early this May, a 5-year old girl was molested by a 45-year old school driver, as there was no teacher or security guard present in the van, as mandated by the Haryana government’s Surakshit Vahan policy. In a majority of these cases, the antecedents of the drivers and vans are not registered or verified, which leads to harassment of children & women.

Also read How Safe are Our Children In India

Not everyone who is a victim is lucky! Crime does not see time, date, place & people. And logic cannot really deduce what provokes alleged perpetrators to impregnate a child or rape a 70-year-old woman. No amount of open line of education relating to ‘Good touch – Bad touch’ can prevent these innocent victims from being molested if the void is not filled.

Facts By National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB)

  • ~12% of the crimes in India are against women. The most unsafe cities for women in India are listed below. While UP & Bihar top the charts for crime against women & in general, these cities are also unsafe for women.
  • Delhi, Mumbai and Bangalore have accounted for 16.2%, 9.5% and 8.1% respectively
  • Raipur & Durg Billai Nagar – Chattisgarh
  • Indore, Bhopal, Jabalpur & Gwalior – Madhya Pradesh
  • Aurangabad & Nagpur – Maharashtra
  • Faridabad – Haryana
  • Jaipur & Jodhpur – Rajasthan
  • Kochi & Mallapuram – Kerala

Also read Best Alternative Schools In India

Not everyone who is a victim is lucky! Crime does not see time, date, place & people. And logic cannot really deduce what provokes alleged perpetrators to impregnate a child or rape a 70-year-old woman. No amount of open line of education relating to ‘Good touch – Bad touch’ can prevent these innocent victims from being molested if the void is not filled.

Facts By National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB)

  • ~12% of the crimes in India are against women. The most unsafe cities for women in India are listed below. While UP & Bihar top the charts for crime against women & in general, these cities are also unsafe for women.
  • Delhi, Mumbai and Bangalore have accounted for 16.2%, 9.5% and 8.1% respectively
  • Raipur & Durg Billai Nagar – Chattisgarh
  • Indore, Bhopal, Jabalpur & Gwalior – Madhya Pradesh
  • Aurangabad & Nagpur – Maharashtra
  • Faridabad – Haryana
  • Jaipur & Jodhpur – Rajasthan
  • Kochi & Mallapuram – Kerala

Also read Best Alternative Schools In India

Our country is witnessing a dramatic spurt in the crime rate over a decade, with the law enforcement becoming weaker to nab the criminals. The ever increasing cases of rape, kidnapping, murder & trafficking only shows the inability of the courts to dispense fair justice on time and the incompetence of the police to bring the perpetrators behind bars. Eventually, this has emboldened the criminals to take the law into their own hands and take girls & women for granted.

While we can’t do much about this the former or the latter, what we can do is to ensure we or our children are not the next victims.

How To Ensure Our Children & Women’s Safety With Technology In Hand?


KENT RO has come out with KENT CamEye which is a next-gen car camera for vehicles that ensures 100 % security of your mother/sisters/children while travelling with a driver or in a taxi. It uses dual cameras to record everything happening inside and outside the car.

  • It allows live video streaming of both camera and you can access the recorded videos from anywhere in the world.
  • It helps to track the real-time GPS location of the car, and as a user you can playback the route travelled by the car on your mobile phone.
KENT CamEye Dash Camera Review

Plethora of Features:

  • Dual 720p cameras & 4X Digital Zoom – The clarity of the live streaming is fantastic. Unlike most video recording devices, it is quite vivid.
  • Dash Cam + GPS Tracker –  uses next-gen technology to function but is so easy and simple for everyone to use it. It starts recording once the car starts moving. So, when my daughter is being picked up from school I know exactly where she has reached and if there is any detour.
  • Audio and Video Time-Lapse – It is a Plug and Play device, which when installed in your car, records time-lapse video and facilitates real-time monitoring via GPS. The videos are uploaded to secure cloud storage that can be accessed on your phone anytime.
  • Live Video Streaming & Download Recorded Video – The activity of the chauffeur & the car occupants can be monitored real-time as well as recorded for future reference.
  • 2 – Way Calling – The feature comes with live video streaming and while doing that you can connect with your loved ones, if you find a potential danger or for any guidance to your driver.
  • Multi-user Access – Upto 10 devices can be mapped to 1 App. So you can now pair not only your personal car, but also your fleet of cars. Each device can also be used by multiple users.
  • Unknown Driver Detection– The device embrace face recognition technology, so if the camera does not detect the driver’s face or pre-recorded faces, the mobile app immediately sends a notification on your mobile phone.
  • Secure Connection & Cloud Storage – The data recorded & transmitted is encrypted end-to-end. It can only be accessed by the user of the app to which the device has been paired even if there are multiple devices for personal or professional use.
  • In Car Alarms & Tamper protection – In case of a theft or when someone physically tries to turn off the recorder or attempts rebooting it, the user of the App gets a notification. Once on the move, the recorder starts recording again.
  • Alert History – It gives you the list of all alerts which you have received in the past.
  • On-board Memory – The videos recorded can be used for evidence during an accident, to keep a check on your child’s driving behaviour or when your driver is dropping off your 17year old daughter for a movie.  
  • Battery Backup – Even when the car is off, if  it detects any movement, it steps out of hibernation and starts recording. It is powered from the car’s charging outlet and not hard-wired to the electricals so the warranty of your car does not take a hit.
  • Real-time AI Alerts – It has sensors to judge if your driver is unnecessary burning extra fuel by using the air conditioner while being parked or unused. There are many other mind boggling alerts

 My First Impressions

· Ease of installation – KENT CamEye, contrary to what I thought, is very easy to install and use. The instruction manual is simple and easy to understand.

· Clarity of time-lapsed camera – Once mounted on the windshield, it gives a clear view of what’s going on inside and outside the car. The camera provide time-lapsed recorded video and meets the needs of the consumer by recording the footage and keeping it backed up.

· Safety features – It’s not just a security camera but a safety device for your loved ones. With features like custom alarms, in car alarms, locate your car, the safety of your car increases.


· Boon for working parents – KENT Cam Eye is ideal for working parents or parents who employ drivers to drive their children around as you can track the GPS at any point of time and you can watch your kids in live-streaming video in the car through the camera. It also ensures that your drivers do not misuse the car and come in the way of your child’s safety.

Also read Being A Women In Today’s Society

Final Verdict:

Kent CamEye is a product loaded with features which have been developed specifically for this segment. The features are also backed by the hardware. While it is slightly expensive for a middle class family, it is a perfect product to invest into if safety of your family is your priority. It is currently priced at Rs.17,999 and has a monthly fee of Rs.600 a month. KENT CamEye is definitely recommended if you have chauffeur-driven cars. KENT CamEye is available on Amazon.

Camphor As Mosquito Repellent – How To Get Rid Of Mosquitoes

As we welcome the monsoons soon, greet your dear friends – mosquitoes, bugs & insects! Yes, those dreadful bites on your child’s delicate skin, the red rashes that will stay for 2-3 days render a dengue or malaria scare. Scared already? Fret not. We are here to tell you the benefits of Camphor As Mosquito Repellent – How To Get Rid Of Mosquitoes.

Camphor meaning in Hindi – Kapur. Camphor in Tamil – Karpuram. It is a waxy, white or transparent substance extracted by distilling the bark and wood of the Camphor Laurel tree found in Asia widely used in Aromatherapy.

Camphor Uses & Health Benefits

Camphor As Mosquito Repellent - Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Mosquitoes
  • Topical administration (rubbed on skin) or inhaled relieves nasal congestion and cough when rubbed on the chest as camphor oil (FDA approved camphor concentration should be <11%).
  • Camphor with Neem Oil is a NATURAL MOSQUITO REPELLENT with immediate effect without any side effects and very cost effective.
  • Treatment of minor burns.
  • Camphor is also used in some anti-itch ointments, creams and cooling gels because it is can be absorbed through skin and is effective at treating pain locally.
  • It is used topically to increase blood flow – an anti-irritant helping in reduction of pain and swelling by caused by constant irritation.
  • It has an analgesic effect which makes it a favorite oil to be used in pain relieving massage blends for sore muscles and arthritic pain. (FDA approved camphor concentration should be between 3-11%)
  • Camphor is known to improve the quality of air making it better for our lungs and heart.
  • Glucosamine sulfate and chondroitin sulfate in camphor reduce the severity of symptoms of osteoarthritis by 50%.
  • It aids in treating fungal infections of the hemorrhoids,  toenails, warts & sores.
  • Oral administration can help in normalizing low blood pressure after strenuous physical activity or after instantly getting-up from seated position. However, oral administration is not advised by many doctors as it can lead to adverse side-effects if not consumed as per guidelines.

Use Of Camphor: Mosquito Repellent

Mosquitoes hunt for blood using many senses, one of these is their heightened sense of smell. With this, they can smell the carbon dioxide and chemicals that our bodies produce regularly. Camphor smell counters this exactly like how citronella and eucalyptus affects bugs. The smell of camphor overwhelms mosquitoes with their own odor and confuses them, and thus repels them from the room.

Placing camphor tablets on the corners of the room can alleviate mosquito attacks because the waxy substance evaporates on its own, filling the room with its aroma thereby making camphor as a mosquito repellent.

CamPure Camphor Cone

CamPure Camphor Cone

What is CamPure? The house of Mangalam Organics has introduced a series of child-friendly, Organic Mosquito Repellent India products created from ancient knowledge for a modern lifestyle – Camphor Cone, Camphor Stick and Air Purifier to get rid of the mosquitos leaving a beautiful fragrance purifying the air.

Why CamPure?

Two-In-One Benefit:

Unlike conventional products which are either render good fragrance or act as a repellent, CamPure Camphor Cone does both: It provides a REFRESHING FRAGRANCE, REPELS MOSQUITOES & even PRESERVES CLOTHES. It does not entail any fillers, additives or bases.

Long Lasting:

Hang the camphor cone in your home or office & it will last for 45 days keeping the environment fresh and healthy. It has a shelf life of 5 years when unopened.

No Dangerous Chemicals – Safe Around Children

CamPure Camphor Cone is made from an extract of the pine tree and is therefore a NATURAL and ORGANIC product. There is no harmful toxic chemicals such as DEET, PDCB, Napthalene or any other petrochemicals which are potentially cancer causing (carcinogenic), hence very safe for kids.

Camphor As Mosquito Repellent – How To Get Rid Of Mosquitoes?

Naturally sourced camphor is a much better alternative to chemical repellents. You can also use Camphor with Neem Oil to repel mosquitoes.

CamPure Camphor Cone

  • Place by your bedside, hang in your closet, restroom, car or at office.
  • Enjoy its refreshing fragrance as it repels mosquitoes and even preserves your clothes. Lasts 45 days.

CamPure Stick

  • Great to hang in your kitchen cabinet to keep away roaches and rodents.
  • One in your shoe rack to replace that awful smell with a cool-mystic fragrance. Lasts 60 days.

Where To Buy CamPure Camphor?

  • You can purchase all CamPure products at CamPure, leading modern & general trade stores, e-commerce websites such as amazon.in

Tell us which ones you liked the best 🙂

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Best Fancy Dress Ideas For Kids

Best Fancy Dress Ideas For Kids

Seeing your kids play dress up isn’t surprising, they love to dress up as their favourite people around them or favourite characters from TV/Movies and this just makes it obvious that Fancy Dress is one of the most exciting events for your little ones. All Schools host fancy dress competitions and you would definitely want your kid to look unique and out of the box. It’s fun to get creative beyond the boundaries to see your little wonders jump out of excitement as they are dressed into fancy dress characters of their choice. We bring you a list of Best Fancy Dress Ideas For Kids

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Superhero Theme – Best Fancy Dress Ideas For Boy Kid

Superheros are the new in thing. With the Avengers taking over every kids mind, it is no surprise that they would want to dress up as superheros themselves.

Black Widow/ Natasha Romanoff

Black Widow is one of the original Avengers and belongs to the Marvel Universe. Originally, an agent of the Russia Intelligence KGB, she later became a member of S.H.I.E.L.D. Having extensive mastery in martial arts and armed with her Widow’s bite, Black Widow became one of S.H.I.E.L.D’s most efficient agents.

It is easy to dress up as Black Widow, it requires an all Black attire and her latest hairstyle of a side braid.

Wonder Woman/ Diana Prince

Wonder Woman is a warrior princess created by DC universe. She is the daughter of Hippolyta, Queen of the Amazons and Zeus, the mightiest of the Gods of Olympus.

She volunteered to leave behind her home Themyscira and lead the message of peace, fighting for justice and equality in Man’s World. She is a founding member of the Justice League. Wonder Woman has superhuman strength and durablility. She can fly, has superhuman speed and reflexes and has healing powers. Wonder Woman is a great leader and warrior and excels in Hand to Hand Combat. Her bracelets also posses power and her lasso of truth helps during interrogation.

A blue skirt, red top, gold bracelet, gold head band and a gold rope would complete the look. You can also transform from Diana Prince to Wonder Woman.

Batman/ Bruce Wayne

Batman is an all-time favourite superhero created by DC. Batman is the protector of Gotham City and a member of the Justice League. Although batman posses no superhuman powers, he is one of the smartest people alive and a great fighter. His fancy tools and equipment help him in combats. Create a simple Batman costume with a black cloth at home. All you need to make is a cape and a mask. Combine that with a black one-piece suit or black tights and a t-shirt. Top it with a yellow/gold belt with the bat logo for the buckle, and junior Batman is ready. Another idea is to present batman as Bruce Wayne the businessman, in a suit. You can also buy a batman costume online.

Superman/ Clark Kent

Superman is a DC character who has super speed, strength , is bulletproof, wears a cloak, and can fly anywhere. Superman’s costume is blue and red, and may not be easy to make unless you have the right materials. However, the task is made easy if your kid owns a Superman t-shirt with a logo on it. Presenting superman as Clark Kent the reporter is another idea. You can also buy a superman costume online.

Ironman/ Tony Stark

Tony Stark’s Ironman is a very well- known Marvel character. Tony Stark is a billionaire industrialist who built the iron suit to escape from his captors. With his wealth and great technical knowledge, he is one of the most powerful people in the world. He is human and does not posses any powers. His technical knowledge helps him build tools to make the world a safer place. Ironman costumes are available online. Alternatively, ironman can be presented as Tony stark in a Tshirt and Jeans, with a shiny circular object on their chest.

Spiderman/Peter Parker

When it comes to kids, Spider-Man is the best! Spiderman is one of the youngest superheros from the Marvel Universe and everyone’s favourite. His spider senses and the ability to climb walls makes him even more fascinating. Making a spider-man suit is not an option. The good news is that you can buy one online and turn your kid into the superhero, albeit without spidey-sense.

Captain America/ Steve Rogers

Captain America is a Marvel Character. He is more than 100 years old and was trapped in ice for about 70 years. He is the Earth’s first superhero. During WWII , Steve rogers was injected with the Super Soldier Serum which enhanced his body and its abilities. He has enhanced strength, intelligence, speed, durability, agility, stamina, reflexes and senses. He also can heal through regeneration. He is skilled in Mixed Martial Arts, is an expert marksman and a great spy. His unique shield has helped him too. He is also worthy to lift Thor’s Hammer the Mjolnir. His costume is also available online. A Captain America Tshirt or dressing as Steve Rogers can be an alternative.

Other Superheros you can check out: Aquaman, The Incredibles, The Flash, Clint Barton/Hawkeye, Antman, Guardians of the Galaxy.

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Fictional Characters

Fictional Characters whether its from TV, Movies or Books always make an impression and stay with our kids. Here is a list of the best fictional characters to dress your kid up as.

Harry Potter:

Nothing beats the Harry Potter costume at a fancy dress competition. Harry Potter is a wizard from JK Rowling’s Books. He is a the main character and the books and movies revolve around him. His favourite spell is Expelliarmas. Spectacles with a rounded frame, a wand or stick with one pointed edge, a long black coat and a lightning symbol on the forehead is all you need to turn your kid into Harry Potter.

Hermoine Granger:

Harry Potter’s partner in crime, Hermoine Granger is a highly intellectual wizard who is a dear friend of Harry Potter. She is extremely smart and brave. She is a true friend and always stands to protect her friends. A long black coat, a wand , a book in the hand and frizzy hair is all you need.

Albus Dumbeldore

Albus Dumbledore is the headmaster of the Hogwarts school where Harry Potter studies. He is known to be the strongest wizard of all times. He is a good friend of Harry Potter and helps him out always.  A long gray-colored robe with frills and collar and a long white beard is what you need to create a Dumbledore costume.

Other Harry Potter Characters: Ron Weasley, Hagrid, Sirius Black, Professor Mcgonnagal.

Mickey Mouse/ Minnie Mouse

These characters need no introduction. The first ever character created by Walt Disney, Mickey Mouse is an energetic mouse who wears red shorts with a black top. The costume is complete with a pair of black shoes and a black cap with mouse ears. As for Minnie mouse, add a bow and replace the shorts and top for a dress.

Aladdin And Jasmine

A cute couple from the Disney movie Aladdin, Aladdin and Jasmine are ideal models for fancy dressing. Aladdin wears white pants and shirt with a white turban. Jasmine wears a light blue dress with harem pants and blouse. She also has a distinct hairstyle with a blue colored bow on her head which acts like a tiara.

Snow White

Turn your little girl into the fairest maiden on the land with a pretty Snow White costume. Snow White is a popular fairy tale character and a fairly easy costume to recreate.


Cinderella, yet another popular fairy tale character. Deck your little girl in a pretty blue Cinderella costume, glass slippers (or something similar) included, and teach her to say a line from the story or movie.

Other Characters: Goofy, Red Riding Hood, Beast, Woody, Buzz lightyear.

Darth Vader

Darth Vader is perhaps the most iconic character from Star Wars. You can create part of the costume – the dress – at home, and buy or rent the face mask to complete the attire.

He is a primary antagonist in the original Trilogy, but, as Anakin Skywalker, is the main protagonist of the prequel trilogy. You can create part of the costume – the dress – at home, and buy or rent the face mask to complete the attire. His Lightsabre is red in colour.

Princess Leia

Princess Leia is a member of the Imperial Senate and daughter of Anakin Skywalker, a.k.a Darth Vader, and Queen Padme Amidala. Princess Leia also has a distinct hairstyle and dressing style, which makes her character an interesting choice for fancy dress or costume parties. Her lightsabre is blue in colour.

Luke Skywalker

Luke Skywalker is the main character in the Star Wars Trilogy. He is the son of Anakin Skywalker (Darth Vader) and Queen Padme, and brother of Princess Leia. His Light Saber is blue/ green.

Other characters from Star Wars: Chewbacca, R2D2, Han Solo, Rey, Yoda, Obi-Wan Kenobi

Captain Jack Sparrow

Captain Jack Sparrow may seem a little odd, but he is our first preference when it comes to dressing like a pirate. You will need brown pants, white top with a brown vest, a red bandanna and lots of beads to go with the attire. You will also need brown long riding boots and a pirate hat for the costume to be complete.

Christmas Tree

What better than dressing up your kid as an Christmas tree.
With all the colorful decors upon it, it will surely look bright and unique


When it comes to fancy dresses, Dressing your kid as one of the animals is a very popular opinion. Its really adorable when the toddlers enact one of the animals and becomes a part of learning too.


Many kids are scared when they’re taken to a doctor but ironically will always love to dress and enact like one. Kids dressed as doctors and they’re sweet way to check on the patients is worth noticing.


A teacher is a person who helps others to acquire knowledge. Popular fact is the teaching is an occupation which creates other jobs. What better than dressing your kid as an teacher making them pay their gratitude towards all the teachers out there.


Fancy dresses is all about representing something unique, bright and colourful. Dressing your kid as an rainbow will just outstand the theme and will make them look colourful and beautiful.


Mother Earth, the home of humankind. It would definitely stand out when You’re dressed up as one and talk about the various natural resources that we’ve been gifted with.


If you’re looking to brighten and amplify your child’s fancy dress competition. Dressing up as the SUN will surely rise attention towards your child.


Becoming an astronaut is an popular dream among kids. Dress them up as one and see how their imagination by allowing them explore the possibility of what’s beyond the infinity.

Tell us which ones you liked the best 🙂

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Best Birthday Return Gift Ideas For Kids Under Rs.200/-

Birthdays are that part of a kid’s life which they associate with laughter, enjoyment, food, fun, games and of course the return gifts. Return gifts are something that every child waits eagerly to receive. Planning a birthday party for your kid is definitely a daunting task – where each and every aspect needs to be looked into, from the cake to the decor. But the most important part, believe it or not is the return gift. It is something through which people remember you. Read on to find out the Best Birthday Return Gift Ideas for Kids Under Rs.200/- .

There are a ton of options in the market; but you need to consider these few aspects before you make your choice:

  • Age group – it should be age appropriate.
  • Durability- avoid gifting perishable items – or items which have limited shelf life.
  • Pocket-friendly
  • Presentation- no matter how expensive or inexpensive a gift may be, the presentation definitely matters. So make sure, it is beautifully and neatly packed.

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Upto 4 years old.

New Born Baby Gift Set

Welcome the infant into the world of joy by gifting them a baby kit consisting the basic essentials required for its nourishment and growth. Also Imagine how cute they would look if they were personalised for them?

Bath Set for Babies

Birthday Return Gift Ideas
Birthday Return Gift Ideas

It is no surprise that kids get cranky or annoyed while taking a bath. An amazing solution is to give them bath toys. Keep them occupied with attractive bath toys to make the bathing session go on smoothly.

Baby Teether

Birthday Return Gift Ideas
Birthday Return Gift Ideas

Teethers are always an useful baby product for kids. Baby teethers are used to soothe babies’ gums when their teeth start coming in, at around 3 to 7 months of age and it also helps keep their playful hands busy.

Play-Doh Clay Set

Birthday Return Gift Ideas

Play-Doh compound is non-toxic, non-irritating & non-allergenic hence making it a great item for kids to have around. It lets kids take the lid off their imaginations and explore their creativity. Gifting them a clay set will inspire the kids to create something awesome!

Cartoon Figurines

Birthday Return Gift Ideas
Birthday Return Gift Ideas

Kids get crazy when they get to see a figurine of their favourite cartoon character, which makes it a great option for a return gift! It is super cute and attractive and kids would surely love it.

Mini Fun Slate

Birthday Return Gift Ideas

No surprise if you find your kids find inspiration on the walls of your house instead of the books you gave them. A slate not only is a change for the kids but re-useable which makes it a great option. Kids are meant to create masterpieces let them do so but on this board and not on your walls!

Personalised Bibs for Babies

Birthday Return Gift Ideas

Everyone likes to have a one of a kind item and so will your kid. Gift them a custom bib with their name printed on it. They will look absolutely adorable in them and it sure makes a difference!

Unique Baby Picture Frames

Birthday Return Gift Ideas

Gifting a photo frame is a great option for younger kids and their parents. Capturing a memory and framing it forever sounds just perfect doesn’t it? A frame consisting a picture of the baby is a great option.

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Ages 5 to 7


Birthday Return Gift Ideas

Aesthetic to observe and the possibility of different patterns always make kids wonder. A Kaleidoscope is a wonderful gifting option for this age group.

Arts and Crafts DIY kit

Birthday Return Gift Ideas

Arts and crafts is always exciting and it gives the kids an opportunity to find different ways to be Creative. A DIY kit is an ideal gifting option especially for those kids who enjoy making things.

Classmate Combo Kit

Birthday Return Gift Ideas

Classmate Colour Crew is a range of art materials which is child safe and available in rich and vibrant colours. It has been specially designed keeping in mind a child’s learning needs; from developing motor skills, hand-eye coordination, to colour recognition and much more.

Backpack for Kids  

Birthday Return Gift Ideas

Gift your champs a very attractive soft plush bag that they would love to carry around and flaunt it as much as they can. A backpack is a great option as it can be used for multiple purposes – School Bag For Kids, Travelling Bag, Carry Bag, Picnic Bag.

Board Games

Birthday Return Gift Ideas

Board Games are a great gift to give. They are a lot of fun to play and help build bonds for life. Engaging your kids into board games, only teaches them how to be smarter and better than the person in front of them but of course in a fun spirit. Board Games enable thinking and strategy from a young age. Jumping Monkeys , Uno, Monopoly, Monopoly Deal are great games to start with.

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Story Books

Birthday Return Gift Ideas

Books are a great way for kids to develop their language and expand their minds. They are the ideal learning tools for kids and are huge sources for inspiration. The smell of a book is just another feeling all together. Helping your kids develop a reading habit from a young age will help them develop skills better and improve vocabulary which makes them an ideal gift to give. Ruskin Bond books are a great place to start.

Customised Keychain

Birthday Return Gift Ideas

Get closer to ones your gifting by personalising the gift to their likings. Keychain is an option that’s always used and you can customise it by adding their photo their name or even an sweet message that they can hang on their backpacks!

Personalised Puzzle

Birthday Return Gift Ideas

It always makes you feel complete and pleased when you solve a  puzzle. Imagine a customised puzzle with a picture of your kid or their favourite cartoons. Customised picture puzzle is an very trendy gifting option.

Ages 7 to 10

Toy Kraft Paper Quilling

Birthday Return Gift Ideas

Making things out of paper is a skill and learning this at an early age can become an advantage and help your kid bring out their inner creativity. It is seen as a very creative craft that can be as simple as making a paper boat, or a little more complicated like folding a swan or creating a beautiful flower out of fine quality paper. Getting kids to play with the Toy Kraft Paper Quilling set is a great idea, one that will keep them occupied for a long time.

FunSkool Memory Game

Birthday Return Gift Ideas

Funskool – Memory Front and Back Games This game can be played by one or more players. The goal is to find the maximum number of matching pair cards. But the twist here is that one matching pair card shows a front face of an object, while the other matching pair card shows the reverse side of the same object.

Magnetic Pencil Box

Birthday Return Gift Ideas

We all know the cute cartoon characters box we get on stationery. Gift your tiny ones these to amaze them and they will love you every time they see it.

Also Read: How much is too much? Too Many Toys

Party Popteenies

Birthday Return Gift Ideas

If they can’t get enough collectibles, Popteenies are the newest surprise to add to the mix. They pull, twist, and pop two confetti-filled poppers to find a stylish doll, her adorable pet, and party accessories inside. 

Rubik’s Cube

Birthday Return Gift Ideas

Rubik’s cube is a colourful cube that is a fun game but also an important mind building tool. For one, it betters your eye-hand coordination. It improves your concentration in general and ensures that you are able to process your thoughts faster, overall it makes your brains sharper. As they say a major part of human’s brains develops while they’re young. this gift could really improve thinking skills of the child.

Cool Fidget Spinner

Birthday Return Gift Ideas

Fidget spinner are midget sized yet an addictive toy. It also helps anxiety and paranoid behaviour. It keeps your hands occupied if you have a habit of fidgeting. This gift adapts to the latest trend and is pretty cool.

Glow in the Dark Stickers

Birthday Return Gift Ideas

Who doesn’t want to sleep under an aesthetic looking roof? These stickers beautify the room and are a treat to look at in the night. The glow will help your kids sleep peacefully and who doesn’t love stargazing?

DIY Slime Kit

Birthday Return Gift Ideas

Slime making is growing in popularity more and more everyday. Making slime is fun and a great item to play with. DIY Slime kits are a great gift for kids.

Tell us which ones are your favourite in the comments below!

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Top 10 Things To Bring Fun Home This Children’s Day

Effective Tips to Lose Baby Weight After Birth

Most women gain anywhere from 9 to 18 kilos during pregnancy and if you’re like most new moms, you’re eager to put away your maternity clothes and slip into your old jeans. It is very normal to feel the need to lose the baby weight that you have gained but you need to understand the right and the healthy way to do it for your body. Here are some Effective Tips to Lose Baby Weight After Birth.

Kareena Kapoor Khan
Effective Tips to Lose Baby Weight

Losing weight after you’ve had a baby is not the same as dieting just because you’re overweight: New moms are sleep deprived, crunched for time, and caring not just for themselves, but for an infant, as well. Your body goes through a lot, so you shouldn’t start any crazy dieting or restricting calories for at least six weeks or longer if you’ve had a C- section and start exercising only after your postnatal check-up.

Accepting the weight and dealing with it positively will put you in a better mind space to deal with it and there is no shame in baby weight. You can’t compare yourself to any other woman, because every body is different and hence their needs are different too. Every new mom can get back to her pre-baby body, but the best way to do that is to figure out how to make it work for yourself and to listen to your own body.

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Tips To Help You Lose Weight

Be Patient and Realistic:

Set weight goals before beginning and make sure that they are realistic. You also need to be patient and realistic with yourself and your body and should definitely wait a few weeks before jumping into diet and exercise. Also remember that losing pregnancy weight will be different from losing normal weight. You need to eat certain foods after pregnancy in order to breastfeed well and to help your body recover from giving birth.


Drinking water is an important tip whether you are trying to lose weight after pregnancy or otherwise. Water flushes out toxins from your body and also brings about fluid balance. Additionally, it will reduce excess fat from the body too. Drinking plenty of water is good for the skin as well. Having warm water with lime and honey first thing in the morning will help detoxify your body and help you lose weight. Having a glass of green tea also helps.


Effective Tips to Lose Baby Weight

Breastfeeding has benefits for both mom and baby. It helps build and support immunity of the baby and is filled with required nutrients for the baby hence lowering the risk of getting infected by diseases. It has been seen that women who breastfeed have a lower risk to breast cancer, ovarian cancer, diabetes and post-pregnancy depression.

Breastfeeding also supports weight loss post birth. Breastfeeding makes your body burn calories which helps you lose weight. If you are patient, you may be surprised at how much weight you lose naturally while breastfeeding. Actress Emily Blunt said that she lost all her post pregnancy weight by breastfeeding.

Eat to Lose Weight:


  • Do not crash diet. It does not work well for the body.
  • Try to limit sodas and caffeine.
  • Do not skip meals, it doesn’t help you lose weight nor does it help you stay healthy.
  • Avoid added sugar and refined carbs.
  • Do not consume Alcohol especially when you are breastfeeding.
  • Unhealthy snacking should be avoided.
  • Avoid highly processed food.
High Fibre Foods - Effective Tips to Lose Baby Weight
Effective Tips to Lose Baby Weight

You should Eat:

  • Eating 5-6 small meals with healthy snack breaks in between is recommended.
  • Breakfast is a must and should not be skipped at any cost.
  • Try to choose non-fat or low-fat dairy products.
  • Choose Broiled or baked rather than friend
  • High fibre Foods such as – Whole grain breads, Brown rice, Nuts such as almonds or sunflower seeds, lentils, kidney beans, carrot, beets, broccoli, russet/red/sweet potatoes, Banana, Oranges, Mangoes, etc.
  • Food rich in Calcium – Celery, Chia Seeds, Parmesan cheese, Cottage cheese, Yogurt, beans and lentils, almonds, Spinach, kale
  • Iron rich food – Tofu, Soybeans, Lentils, Chickpea, Flaxseeds, Pine nuts, Leafy greens, Tomato, Mushrooms, Olives, Oats
  • Eating rice, jaggery, sugar, and cashew nuts is good post-pregnancy.
  • Including ghee, bajra, aaliv, buttermilk, jaggery, roti, and other foods high in vitamin B12 in your diet helps get rid of dark circles.
  • Choose healthy proteins – eggs, lean meats, legumes, nuts, seeds, paneer
  • Try to eat meals at home


Lack of sleep has a negative impact on your body. Lack of sleep doesn’t help in weight loss but causes retention of weight. Being a new mom, it must be difficult to get enough sleep but fitting in a schedule to sleep by asking help for your loved ones will help your body. Sleeping when your baby sleep will also work!

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Effective Tips to Lose Baby Weight Through Exercise
Effective Tips to Lose Baby Weight


Going for walks with your baby is a great way to start. Walking after pregnancy is better than running on the treadmill. Starting with gentle walks would be ideal. You can then increase or expand your routine as you feel stronger by speed walking or jogging or going for longer walks. Do not overdo it. If you feel too tired, you should stop.

Resistance training:

Resistance training like weight training helps you lose weight but also retain muscle mass. This is a great way to lose post pregnancy weight.

Yoga and Power yoga:

Yoga is a great form of exercise that helps you keep not just your body healthy but also your mind. A great Indian form of exercise helps you calmly lose weight while strengthening your mind and body.


Swimming is another great exercise to shed some weight. Do not go swimming without getting a post- natal check first and consulting your doctor. You’re vulnerable to infections from pool water while your womb is still healing. 

Ab crunches: 

Another exercise routine that has proven results and that being – strengthened belly and super strong core muscles. As you know, your body burns more calories to maintain muscles than fat. It is also proven that crunches help you in maintaining a good posture and helps supports you while you left heavy objects as well as help in easy rotation and twisting of your waist.

Deep Belly Breathing With Abdominal Contraction

This is a great exercise and is so easy that you can do it continuously for up-to an hour. It helps you relax your muscles, and it starts strengthening and toning your abs and belly.

How It’s Done: Sit upright and breathe deeply, drawing air from the diaphragm upward. Contract and hold your abs tight while inhaling and relax while exhaling. Keep a record of the counts you could hold your breath; and gradually increase the counts until you think you can. Do not overdo it.

Kneeling Pelvic Tilt:

This exercise helps tone your tummy and strengthen your abs. Strengthening your abs helps relieve back pack.

How It’s Done: Start on all fours, toes touching the floor behind you, arms straight down from your shoulder line, palms touching the floor. Your back should be relaxed and straight, not curved or arched. As you inhale, pull your buttocks forward, tilting your pelvis and rotating your pubic bone upward. Hold for a count of three, and release.


This classic exercise helps in strengthen the pelvic floor muscles which support the uterus, bladder, small intestine and rectum. They also help to reduce risks of incontinence associated with childbirth. The more kegels you do, and the longer you hold them, the better control you will have over those leaks caused by sneezing, laughing, or picking up your baby.

How They’re Done: The first step is to identify the muscles that control the urine flow. Then tighten the muscles and count till 8, and then release the muscles slowly by counting till 10.repeat 10 times, 3 times a day. Make sure of the fact that you perform this exercise while your bladder is empty, and to be performed in sitting or lying down position only.

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How do they do it?

Celebrities while have to maintain a reputation and image in the public eye, they also do not escape the baby weight that comes with pregnancies. Whether its Beyonce or Kareena Kapoor Khan, they’ve all had kids and they all look like they just walked out of a photoshoot! So how did they do it?

Here are a few Celebrity Mom stories to take inspiration from:

Kareena Kapoor Khan:

Kareena Kapoor Khan - Effective Tips to Lose Baby Weight
Effective Tips to Lose Baby Weight

Kareena Kapoor Khan has always been media’s favourite, be it for her movies, her speechless transformation to zero-figure, or her now impeccable fashion sense. She was under the eyes of the paparazzi throughout her pregnancy and looked stunning throughout wearing those long comfy fashionable gowns she even made pregnancy look fashionable. Kareena is a firm believer that new moms should be proud of their bodies.Although, she was back in shape sooner than you could have imagined. Soon after her pregnancy, she worked on her weight loss goals and lost 32kgs after her pregnancy. This is what her weight-loss regimen was:

  • Kareena’s weight loss diet included eating foods rich in iron and calcium. She drank one tall glass of milk every single night.
  • Two of her meals included rice every day, which she said is a must and she said that eating rice, jaggery, sugar, and cashew nuts is good post-pregnancy.
  • She said walking is the safest exercise post-pregnancy.
  • One of her exercises post-pregnancy included ‘Aerial Silk Yoga’.
  • She suggested it is all about patience. It is not about losing weight overnight but strengthening your core muscles.

Aishwarya Rai Bachchan

Aishwarya Rai Bachchan - Effective Tips to Lose Baby Weight
Effective Tips to Lose Baby Weight

Aishwarya Rai’s steady rise to becoming the biggest actress in Bollywood has made her a household name and a role model for millions. Yet when she gained weight post-pregnancy, something which is very natural, she found herself at the middle of controversy. No respect was given to the fact that she was a new mother and accomplished women. Instead, she received a lot of backlash for it .In this atmosphere of negativity, any person would have crumbled but not Aishwarya. She knew that she had to get back to the top of her game and for this, the first thing to do was to bring her weight under control. Aishwarya Rai’s weight loss after her baby was based on a progressive plan. It included:

  • Plenty of boiled vegetables and cutting down on fat.
  • Brown rice as it’s high in fibre and helps increase the body’s metabolism.
  • Enough water intake along with consuming fresh fruits and juices to stay hydrated.
  • A strict ‘no’ to junk food.
  • One of Aishwarya Rai Bachchan’s weight loss tips is to practice yoga in addition to healthy eating. She’s not a believer in gym workouts.

Mandira Bedi

Mandira Bedi - Effective Tips to Lose Baby Weight
Effective Tips to Lose Baby Weight

The actress and television presenter became an epitome of fitness when she managed to shed 22 kgs in just 6 months inspite of having a C-section. She was advised to take 40 days of rest, which she did and started her workout day 41 with walking. Walking soon turned into running and 6 months later she was back to her pre- pregnancy weight. Mandira says that she feels stronger after motherhood and that helped her run both her half marathons after birth. She also says – Mums-to-be, try and lose your post-pregnancy weight as soon as possible. Do not put it off for later. Also, if you have a C-section, be very cautious while resuming workouts. Mandira Bedi’s weight loss after pregnancy was based on a strict, regimented programme.

  • 5 days a week of the gym with circuit training, running and spinning.
  • Power yoga, which helps reduce weight quickly.
  • A healthy breakfast consisting of scrambled egg whites, milk, and fruits. Check out more celebrity breakfast ideas here; they are all packed with health!
  • Mandira Bedi’s weight loss diet also includes dal, roti and sabji for lunch, and a no-carb dinner.
  • For snacks, she munches on corn, soya and sprouts.
  • Never exercise on an empty stomach.
  • Listen to your body

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Bollywood Celebrity Kids and Unique Baby Names

We know celebrities have a reputation to keep and that works well in the favour of their little ones – they get to flaunt their unique names for a lifetime. This trend of keeping unique names started in Hollywood, whether its Kylie Jenner’s Stormi, Kim Kardhasian’s Saint, Beyonce’s Sir, Rumi and Blue Ivy or Chris Hemsworth’s India Rose. It has since then found its way to Bollywood and we bring you a list of Bollywood Celebrity Kids and Unique Baby Names that has found its way to India from the West.

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Kareena Kapoor Khan and Saif Ali Khan

Bollywood Celebrity Kids

Taimur Ali Khan Pataudi

Born to Kareena Kapoor Khan and Saif Ali Khan, it is no surprise that their son’s name is oozing Royalty. Taimur Ali Khan Pataudi is one of the most talked about star-kids in the world and an internet Sensation. His pictures are the most demanded and The Paparazzi love taking his pictures and Follow him around just everywhere. Saif Ali Khan clarified that Taimur’s name is not after the Turkish ruler but because of the Persian Meaning of the name.

Meaning: Iron

Saif Ali Khan and Amrita Singh

Bollywood Celebrity Kids

Sara Ali Khan Pataudi

She is the daughter of Saif Ali Khan and Amrita Singh. Following the footsteps of her parents, she joined the Bollywood industry with her Debut Movie Kedarnath, followed by the Blockbuster Simmba in 2018. She was widely appreciated for her honesty, spunk and how relatable she was in her interviews. Her next release is said to be in 2020 an unnamed film of Imtiaz Ali and Karthik Aryan.

Meaning: Name of Hebrew origin and means ‘Princess’

Ibrahim Ali Khan Pataudi

Ibrahim Ali Khan Pataudi is the son of Saif Ali Khan and Amrita Singh. He is 18 years old and is said to enter Bollywood soon. He looks like a carbon copy of Saif Ali Khan in his initial movies.

Meaning: Father of Many and Friend of God

Shahid Kapoor and Mira Rajput Kapoor

Bollywood Celebrity Kids

Misha Kapoor

This adorable tiny munchkin is the daughter of Shahid and Mira Kapoor. Her name is derived from the name of her parents – Mi from Mira and Sha from Shahid. The doting parents are trying to give their kids a normal childhood away from the glitz and the glamor. The firstborn has her parents wrapped in her fingers and she’s their world!

Meaning: Gift from God

Zain Kapoor

Baby brother to Misha Kapoor. Zain Kapoor is the new addition to the Kapoor family and indeed a cute one. Misha Kapoor is definitely the perfect example of a protective elder sister.

Meaning: Strength and Beauty

Shahrukh Khan and Gauri Khan

Bollywood Celebrity Kids

Aryan Khan

The first born of the couple is 21 years old. He is said to be finally stepping into Bollywood in Karan Johar’s Next Takht not as an actor but as an Assistant Director. He is said to have never been interested in acting but in making films and has been training for the same in US for the past few years.

Meaning: Warrior , Honourable

Suhana Khan

The only daughter of the star is 19 years old. She has just completed her schooling and is said to start training to be an actor soon. She is a trendsetter and has a massive social media following. She is close friends with Ananya Pandey and Shanaya Kapoor. She had her first Vogue cover shoots in 2018.

Meaning: Beautiful

AbRam Khan

The youngest kid of the Khan family is 5 years old and already an internet sensation. He was seen in the credits of the movie Happy New Year. He is clearly the most adored and the family favourite. Though AbRam’s name is based on a variation of Prophet Abraham, Shah Rukh has kept the R in the name capital as it denotes Ram, the famous Hindu God.

Meaning: Father of Multitudes

Aishwarya Rai Bachchan and Abhishek Bachchan

Aaradhya Bachchan

Recently gone famous for her killer dance moves, Aaradhya is the only daughter of the couple and is often seen on red carpets looking as adorable as always with her mom. She is 7 years old and is never seen without a smile.

Meaning: One who is worth worshipping

Neha Dhupia and Angad Bedi

Bollywood Celebrity Kids

Mehr Dhupia Bedi

Mehr is the new born baby of the recently married couple Neha Dhupia and Angad Bedi. She is barely a year old and has people going gaga after her short and cute name and her pictures.

Meaning: Blessing

Soha Ali Khan and Kunal Khemu

Inaaya Naumi Khemu

Widely known for her grey-green eyes, Inaaya is the adorable and only daughter of the couple. She is often seen on play dates with cousin Taimur Ali Khan.

Meaning: Gift From God

Imran Khan and Avantika Malik

Bollywood Celebrity Kids

Imara Malik Khan

The only daughter of the long-time couple, Imara is 4 years old and the apple of her parents’ eyes. The daddy-daughter pictures make fans go gaga. Her hair distinct Brown hair is eye-catching.

Meaning: Strong, Resolute

Rani Mukherjee and Aditya Chopra

Adira Chopra

The only daughter of the couple, Adira 3 years old. Her name is a mix of both her parents and also has Hebrew origins. Adi from Aditya and Ra from Rani. She is said to be just like her mamma.

Meaning: Strong, Noble, Powerful

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Kajol and Ajay Devgan

Nysa Devgan

15-year-old Nysa Devgan is pretty popular and a trendsetter and is often spotted around Mumbai for Film screenings among other gatherings. Her name was decided by Ajay before she was even born. She is currently finishing schooling in Singapore.

Meaning: New beginning

Yug Devgan

8-year-old Yug is a funky little kid who is adored by the media. He is known for making funny faces and teasing the media. He is also mommy’s little photographer and clicks amazing pictures.

Meaning: Time; Age; Generation

Sanjay Dutt and Richa Sharma

Bollywood Celebrity Kids

Trishala Dutt

31-year-old Trishala Dutt is the daughter of Sanjay Dutt and Richa Sharma. She is an Entrepreneur and lives in NYC. She is the founder of DreamTresses Hair Extensions and runs fashion and beauty blogs.

Meaning: Mother of Lord Mahavir, Trident

Sanjay Dutt and Manyatta Dutt

Bollywood Celebrity Kids

Shahraan Dutt

One half of the twins that the couple had, Shahraan is 8 years old and loves video games like any other kid his age would. Sanjay Dutt wanted his son’s name to begin with S as his did his name and his fathers. He loves playing the drums too.

Meaning: Royal Knight.

Iqra Dutt

Second Half of the twins that the couple had, Iqra is 8 years old. Sanjay and Manyatta Dutt picked the name of their daughter Iqra apparently when they were on an Egyptian holiday while Manyatta was pregnant. She has blue eyes and looks just like her mother.

Meaning: To learn

Aamir Khan and Reena Dutta

Bollywood Celebrity Kids

Ira Khan

22-year-old daughter of Aamir and ex-wife Reena Dutta. Ira did her schooling in Dhirubhai Ambani International School in Mumbai. She organised a celebrity football match and also helps raise funds for animal shelters. She is good friends with Sara Tendulkar.

Meaning: In Sanskrit – goddess Saraswathi (Goddess of wisdom and knowledge)

Ira is the short form of the Greek name Eirene who was a Greek goddess that was the personification of peace.

Junaid Khan

Junaid Khan is the 25-year-old son of Aamir Khan and ex-wife Reena Dutta. He was first seen on the small screen on the show Masterminds in 2003. He was then an Assistant Director on PK in 2014. He loves street plays and also organised cricket tournaments for physically disabled people.

Meaning: Soldier or Warrior

Aamir Khan and Kiran Rao

Bollywood Celebrity Kids

Azad Rao Khan

Azad Rao Khan is 7 years old. His name is kept after Aamir’s great granduncle Abul Kalam Azad, who was a great freedom fighter. He is absolutely adorable.

Meaning: Freedom

Akshay Kumar and Twinkle Khanna

Bollywood Celebrity Kids

Aarav Kumar

Son of the quite Akshay Kumar and spunky Twinkle Khanna, Aarav is 16 years old. He is completing his schooling in The United World College of South East Asia in Singapore. Like his father, he is also into martial arts. He also likes football.

Meaning: Peaceful.

Nitara Kumar

Nitara is 6 years old. She loves watching movies and just like her mother loves stories, especially Ghost stories. Akshay Kumar wants Nitara to learn Martial arts when she grows up.

Meaning: Deeply rooted.

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Hrithik Roshan and Sussanne Khan

Bollywood Celebrity Kids

Hrehaan Roshan

Hrehaan is the older child of the couple and is 12 years old. He is studying in Dhirubhai Ambani International School. Everyone draws parallels between him and Uncle Zayed Khan. He is said to be just as naughty.

Meaning: Gods chosen one

Hridhaan Roshan

Born in 2008, Hridhaan is 11 years old. He is studying in Dhirubhai Ambani International School.  

Meaning: Great heart

Sushmita Sen

Bollywood Celebrity Kids

Renee Sen

Renee is soon to turn- 20 years old. She is the daughter of Former Miss Universe Sushmita Sen. She completed her studies in Singapore International School in Mumbai. She loves dancing and singing and is also learning Kathak. Her favourite Actor is Varun Dhawan. She wants to become an actress.

Meaning: Reborn

Alisah Sen

Alisah is 10 years old. She is the younger daughter of the former Miss Universe. Sushmita often says that Alisah is wise beyond her years and that she could listen to her speak for hours!

Meaning: Noble, Exalted, Great Happiness

From Bollywood, the trend caught onto the world of cricket. Here are a few Unique Names of kids of Indian cricketers.

The Indian Cricket Team

Mahendra Singh Dhoni and Sakshi Singh Dhoni

Ziva Singh Dhoni

A born poser, she is a big internet sensation who needs no introduction. She has an Instagram account run by Mommy Sakshi. Her cute pictures and videos make her all the more adorable. Not just fun, but the 4 year old even asks people to go and vote. She is learning multiple languages and shares a fun bond with daddy cool. She is an avid Chennai Super Kings and The Indian Cricket team supporter. She is mostly always present to cheer on her dad.

Meaning: Brightness, Brilliance

Suresh Raina and Priyanka Raina

Gracia Raina

She is 3 years old and accompanies daddy to all his matches. She is adorable and an internet sensation.

Meaning: Grace

Shikar Dhawan and Ayesha Mukherjee

Zorawar Dhawan

Born in 2014, Zorawar Dhawan is 5 years old. He is super active and playful and does not shy easy like other kids. He is very cute and an avid Sunrisers Hydrebad Supported.

Meaning: Mighty Brave

Rhea and Aliyah Dhawan

Shikar Dhawan also has 2 step- kids. Rhea (meaning: Flowing stream) and Aliyah (meaning: High/Exalted) from his wife Ayesha Mukherjee’s first marriage.

Harbhajan Singh and Geeta Basra

Hinaya Heer Plaha

Born in 2016, Hinaya is almost 3 years old. She is the daughter of Bowler Harbhajan Singh and Actress Geeta Basra.

Meaning: Sky, shine, bright, beautiful, fairy

These were the few names we thought were unique and that stood out. Which ones are your favourite? Let us know!

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